The Dragon Reborn: Chapter 17

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The Red Sister

Author: Val a'Shain

Characters: Egwene, Nynaeve, Elayne, Elaida and Sheriam.

Setting: Nynaeve's room in the White Tower

Point of view: Egwene

Elaida, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and former advisor to Queen Morgase enters the room. She is not surprised to see all three of them in Nynaeve's room. Nynaeve tries to excuse herself, telling Elaida she needs to return to her studies. Elaida tells her they can wait a bit longer.

The Red sister asks them if they knew the Black Ajah was among them. Nynaeve replies they've been told. She then wonders if there is a connection between the two of them carrying the Daughter-Heir off, nearly breaking the bond between Caemlyn and Tar Valon that lasted a thousand years, and the disappearance of thirteen sisters assumed to be Black Ajah. Elaida asks them why they ran away. Egwene starts to stammer an excuse about Mat until Nynaeve shuts her up and tells Elaida they are not to speak about that on the Amyrlin's orders.

Elaida then changes the subject to Rand. She guesses he must be ta'veren. Nynaeve tells her they haven't seen him in some time. Before Elaida can ask more questions Sheriam enters the room. After a short conversation between the two, Elaida leaves. Nynaeve brings up the Gray Man again and Sheriam deduces correctly that they must have told Elayne about it. She is not pleased about Egwene and Nynaeve ignoring her orders. She refuses the answer their questions about the incident and tells them to come with her. A group of Aes Sedai is going to try to Heal Mat.

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