White Ajah Social Media Highlight

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Author: Ilverin Matriam
Published: June 11 2021 Tar Valon Times Blog Link

Highlight for August 2019 – The White Ajah​

During August of 2019, the White Ajah at TarValon.Net, and also the White Ajah from the books, were the highlight of the month. We shared many White Ajah quotes and also pictures of White Shawls!

The month included quotes from White Sisters at TarValon.Net. Elanda Sedai explained why she chose the White Ajah:


And Adanys Sedai shared how she felt within the White Halls:


And we also asked you if you know how is the Head of the White Ajah called:


All of you answered perfectly well that it’s called the First Reasoner!

But it was also interesting to find out:


And unsurprisingly, many people answered correctly! Four White Sisters had been raised to the Amyrlin Seat.

We know you had been waiting for these, so here they are – Magnificent White Shawls:


The quotes from book Whites we shared got attention from you all. It seems you all agree to some extent with them :


There is a lot of information on the White Ajah in our Library, you can check that out here.
And you can also visit our own TV.Net White Ajah in their Headquarters.

  • In the backgrounds of some of the quotes, you will see the official TarValon.Net White Ajah logo. It is property of TarValon.Net