Member Spotlight: Willam Cambrae

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Author: Jeffan Caliarthan
2 March 2012

Avatar Wil.jpg

Back in 1990, a young Wil wrote down on his Christmas wish-list four words that would forever change his life: "Sci-fi or fantasy books". Because of those four words, his sister went to the local Wal-Mart, bought a random book from the rack, wrapped it in pretty paper and handed it to Wil on the 25th of December. That book was The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan.

Fast forward twelve years. Winter's Heart has been out for a couple of years, and Wil has found himself at his first Dragon*Con. While checking out the tracks available, he spotted a Wheel of Time track! He made some posts and found three Wheel of Time sites:, TarValon.Net and TheSilkLantern. Deeming The Silk Lantern to be too much of a resource hub, and too busy for his small 28k modem, he called TarValon.Net home.

The Tower has changed quite a bit since Wil first joined the site, but one thing hasn't changed at all - Wil always has, and always will be, SDS. "We're a large, rambunctious family of brothers. I just love how we don't care where you come from, what you've done. If you gain our respect by sticking to your guns and giving as good as you get, you'll be welcomed in. I've seen members of our Company spend blood, sweat and tears for other members when they're in need. Need a phone call to vent about life, I'm there. Need some help making it to an event or fixing a vehicle, here's some assistance. Need some html work, photo editing work, some welll written words for content, here you go. We've also been a resource for members outside of the Company. We've brought Christmas to a Tower member who had just moved and had nothing beyond the bare necessities. Like the Tower, the thing I love the most about San d'ma Shadar is the people."

These days, you can find Wil in chat quite a bit - he estimates about 50-100 hours a week - but when he visits the forums, he usually posts within "SDS and Brown, Senior Members on occasion, lots in The Tavern, and the rest in a random cycle." He also mentions that "when there's a local or official event coming up I'll be posting in there a lot too."

And he has attended quite a few official events! His library page mentions 18 official events that he has attended (9 Anniversary parties, 7 D*Cons & 2 Fall Balls), but Wil has quite a bit more to say on that matter. "I've been to every Anni since 2nd in TN, all the Tower D*Cons except for the last 3, Kansas City and Chattanooga Fall Balls, several Admin Meetings, I've been to Mother's Mother's house when RJ had a book singing in San Jose years ago. I have many fond memories of events, meeting Mother for the first time at D*Con and kneeling at her feet lol, raising friends to Gaidin when I was Company Commander of SDS, meeting RJ at D*Con and hearing him read a chapter from Knife of Dreams before any other fans had read them(I still hear his voice when I read that chapter) screaming myself hoarse during karaokee at 5th Anni, and then not being able to raise my voice the next day. Finally receiving an award from my own Bears at 5th Anni, and seeing their joy."

When asked about being the Tower's "Poster Boy", he only laughs. "Poster boy for the Tower? I know I'm very opinionated about the Tower, and I'm not afraid to share. The Tower has become my home away from home and I am very grateful. I've grown a lot while a part of this community and I try to add a little bit back to it. I do know one reason why so many people know me and remember me. It's because I spend anywhere from 50-100 hours a week in #wheel and I talk to just about everyone and anyone. I also make it a point to welcome and greet anyone I see pop into chat, that I don't recognize. Going to more events that just about anyone in the Tower also makes me well known to a large group of people."

Wil is an incredible asset to the Tower, and someone who will be around until the very end. Here's to you, Wil!