The Tale of the Dragon (Poem)

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Author: Alondrian Heartsbane

Born upon the slopes of dragon mount,
Burning like fire, with cries like thunder
To be orphaned at birth and taken away by another.

Raised in the back country called Edmunds field
With never knowing who or what you were
Upon Bel Tine in the coming of your twentieth year
One would come to set you on your way.

Ripped away on winter night
The Trollocks came and filled you with fright
Armed with only your adopted fathers heron marked sword
You set out on an adventure
With no destination told.

Soon you would learn
To wield the power
And you would be the savior
In the worlds worst hour

You rallied up forces
And brought much war
But uniting lands
Under the great dragon banner

Conquering under the ancient symbol
You constructed the black tower
And then your madness starts
As with all men who use the power

Will you stay sane
To be the Darkone’s bane?
Should we listen to the creators mind,
And let the dragon ride the winds of time?