Willow al'Meana

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Willow al'Meana
Real Name
Location Canada
Birthday August 5
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Blue Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Headmistress
Join Date 16 August 2006
Bonded to Miliham Rastoubel
Link to Forum Profile

Tower History

Tower Involvement




Tower Relationships


Willow is bonded to Miliham Rastoubel, San d'ma Shadar, since January 10, 2010.



Katarianna al'Leya/Rikka al'Vorik


Malein Basolaine

Other Tower Relationships

Willow is engaged to Elizabeth Ayrahien in RL.

Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

June 1, 2009

Why did you choose Blue?

I chose Blue because I love each and every one of my Sisters and because the Blue Ajah felt like home in my heart. Of course, Plotting, Brownies and S'rediti never hurt either. *winks*

In all seriousness, I began my guesting experience and went through many of the Ajah Halls. It was the Blue Ajah that instantly found a place within my heart. When I could not bring myself to leave their Halls, even for a short time to guest with another Ajah, I knew the Blue was my home. I am honored to be a Blue, and I always will be.

Are you like the Blues in the Books?

I like to think so. My two favourite characters in the books have always been Siuan and Moiraine. I've always admired their passion and drive for whatever they set their minds and hearts on, their willingness to risk whatever they need to see that their causes are filled, even if the risk is themselves. That, is very much a substantial part of who I am.

Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?

Sadly, I'm a home body and do not travel a whole lot. However, I love to plot surprises for my friends and Sisters and such. I've never been very manipulative though. I do know how to get my own way and prefer it when things go as planned though. I also tend to plan things many years into the future, I know what I want and most times, I'll stop at nothing to get it. When I set my mind and heart on something, it is achieved no matter what.

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

I spent a great deal of time as a Novice and Accepted. I remember when I first became a citizen in 2006 the boards had gone down and we were "camping" on another set of forums. I made a lot of friends during that time and many of those friendships still hold now. Once the forums were back up I started a thread known as 'Willow's Inn" which is just a fun thread in the Olde Warder and Hen where a lot of people post and talk about different things. That thread still exists today.

As a novice, I spent a lot of time with my nose in the books. I read New Spring first and then applied to be a novice. It was until after I joined TarValon.net that I learned there was a whole series to go with New Spring. It took me two years, but I finished the series and applied to be raised. I didn't get in much trouble during that time via pranks, but I made several strong and lasting friendships.

As an Accepted I found my niche within the community. I got involved in many things and really learned my way around. I dipped my hand into everything I could and made a lot of great friends. I learned a lot about myself, the community, the Ajahs, and many of the members of the site. I was thrilled to guest and get to know my Ajahs, quickly finding my home with the Blues.

How long have you been a member of TV.net?

I have been a member of TarValon.net since August 16th, 2006. Although I did take a period of time off before resuming regular activity, over all I have been very active.

What things do you do for TV.net?

I have done many things in the past for TarValon.net. I've taught a classes, spent a term as a Moderator, served terms with the Tar Valon Times as a reporter, and have been a Sitter for the Blue Ajah. In the future I hope to revisit being a moderator and look at applying to be the Head of the Blue Ajah, the Mistress of Novices, or the Mistress of Accepted. I have also been a mentor. Finally, I am responsible for the Junior Member Raising Support thread in the Classroom, which is meant to support and encourage Junior Members through the raising requirements and process.

How did you get to read the Series?

I found my way into Robert Jordan's world of the Wheel of Time when I was 14. My English teacher in Grade 9 got me into them by the way of the New Spring comics. From there, I went to New Spring and eventually purchased the rest of the series.

Who's your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?

Favourite nation would have to be Andor, however, my favourite characters are Siuan and Moiraine.

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Sadly I have not, however I hope to attend in the future.

What kind of music do you like?

I'm not picky and I really enjoy many kinds of music, so long as I enjoy the beat and the lyrics are thoughtful or witty, I'll typically listen to it.

What are your favorite movies?

As far as movies go I love Comedy and Romance. My recent favorites include 'Yes Man' and '27 Dresses'.

What job do you have?

I'm currently unemployed as I'm a student. I'm starting my studies in Nursing in September.

Do you have a pet?

Currently, no. My previous pet was a dog, a border-collie/shealty cross named Muffin. She passed away at the age of 12.

What languages do you speak?

Born and raised English though I know small pieces of French, Spanish, and Japenese. I hope to study these further one day.

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

When I was a kid I so desperately wanted to be a doctor. It was by far my most favorite thing to play. I had a medical bag, and toy stethoscope, needle, forceps, medical tray, and even patient charts. I also would wear my father's dress shirt and pretend it was a medical coat. Every family gathering would be my chance to have all sorts of patients whom I'd happily diagnose with a variety of illnesses.

Moiraine or Siuan?

That's a tough one... but I'm going to have to go with Moiraine. Ever since I started the series with New Spring she stood out to me. I find that her and I have a lot of similar qualities, I can identify with her, and have always been very attached to her.

Shienar or Saldea?

Shienar I suppose.

Tea or coffee?

Both? It depends on my mood really. I prefer coffee in the mornings or when I'm rather tired. Two sugars and some milk is just lovely.

Tea I prefer in the evenings or when I feel like relaxing. Then it requires a generous amount of honey and milk. Lately I've gotten into trying other teas beyond the standard grey though. I really enjoy peppermint and green teas. With herbal teas, I tend to drink them black though.

Books or movies?

Another tough one... but I'm going to have to go movies. I read at a relatively slow pace and although I enjoy reading, when I'm looking for a quick story from start to finish I pick up a movie, or several movies.

A short bio about yourself.

I was born August the 5th, 1991. I live at home in Ontario Canada with my parents. I recently graduated high-school February 3rd, 2010 and am heading to Durham College to begin my Nursing studies. From there, I plan to upgrade my Practical Nursing Diploma to a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree before going on to practice. I enjoy reading, knitting, watching movies, and playing video games. Wheel of Time is by far my favorite series. I am happily engaged to TarValon.net's Elizabeth Ayrahien who has been a very close friend of mine since I was 9. We plan to be married once we are both done our Post Secondary studies.