Arya Ellesméra

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Arya Ellesméra
Real Name
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Blue Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Join Date
Bonded to Do'vran Lehfar
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Official Event Attendance

Senior Member Interview

What's your Tower name?

Arya Ellesméra.

When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah?

October 26, 2007.

Why did you choose Blue?

With the Blues, I found my home. I was drawn to the amazing ladies of the Blue Ajah as a Novice... and as an Accepted beginning my visitations, I learned how wonderful they really were. They're so friendly and energetic and just plotsy, who can resist?

Are you like the Blues in the Books?

I think so, in ways. I do tend to plot and scheme all the time. I've always traveled a lot, mostly to perform places (I'm a musician,) but also to support causes such as Habitat for Humanity or with the US Army.

Do you plot and manipulate? Do you travel a lot?

As detailed above, I sure do. If I gave you anymore details, I'd have to kill you. :) *taps her fading halo*

How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?

It was pretty good. I made some great friends as a Junior Member and learned a lot from all the Senior Members before me. I was mostly nervous and new as a citizen; as a Novice, I was cheerful and mischievous, and never could quite accomplish getting a penance. As an Accepted, all my time was geared towards becoming an Aes Sedai, so I suppose the JM career was pretty fun!

How long have you been a member of

About a year and a half. Since May 2006.

What things do you do for

I'm currently a Reporter for the Tar Valon Times and an Eyes and Ears for the Department of Communications.

How did you get to read the Series?

A friend talked the series up for years, and I won't show interest. So finally he sat me down in a chair and wouldn't allow me up until I'd read some of the first book. I still wasn't too impressed, but by then I was vaguely curious as to what happened to the main characters. Before I knew it, I was hooked. Oy.

Who's your favorite character of the series? Favorite Nation?

Elayne, probably. I think her moodiness is pretty funny. Pfft, that's what crazy Rand gets for trying to deal with 3 women, most guys can't handle 1!

Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)

Several. I've been to Dragon*Con a couple of years in a row, and then a few small local events. I loved them. They're both great in their own ways. D*Con is a little hectic, but you get to meet a lot of Tower people at once... Whereas the local meetings are... well, quieter, sort of, but definitely help to build a stronger bond between you and the other attendees, as there's more private time to just chat. I definitely recommend attending future events. After talking to the members everyday online, it's great to be able to attach a real person to the illustrated face.

What kind of music do you like?

Broadway musicals, mostly. Otherwise, mostly rock of any sort.

What are your favorite movies?

This list could go for days. The Guardian, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean, Just Like Heaven, Rent, Chronicles of Narnia, Eragon, Hook, Chicago, Phantom of the Opera, V for Vendetta, The Boondock Saints, Ice Age, Happy Feet... Ask if you really want more.

What job do you have?

US Army.

Do you have a pet?

3 cats - Salem, Kit the Kat, and Gucci. And one annoying puppy, an American Eskimo Spitz named Chewy. Craftily named after her famous habit of eating everything I possess.

What languages do you speak?

Just English!

What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

Famous actress, pianist, violinist, stuff like that.

Moiraine or Siuan?

Siuan. For now. If only because we've gotten to see a little more of her.

Shienar or Saldaea?

Saldaea, I suppose. As long as I can learn the sa'sara.

Tea or coffee?


Books or movies?

... I can't have both? :(

A short bio about yourself.

I'm 22 years old and attending college in Alabama. My major is Music and Criminal Justice, minor is military science. I'm a member of Delta Zeta sorority, Sigma Alpha Iota, ROTC, and a few other time-consuming activities. I'm in the US Army Band, which is even more time consuming, somehow. My favorite color is pink. I'm obsessed with sparkly things, butterflies, and teaching myself strange projects. I'm also engaged to a wonderful guy named David, and I'm pretty excited about that!