Brown Bulletin August 2003

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Hard at Work in the Brown Ajah Halls

After hours of exhaustive research, Accepted Erin has determined that Cheese is wonderful. At a recent press conference, she made a bold statement that had the audience astounded. "I like cream cheese and the goat cheese garnish at Mexican restaurants and sharp cheddar cheese-in-a-can and colby on crackers... Cheese. It is good."

The fact that cheese is indeed good cannot be disputed. Accepted Lealenya observed the following: "And cheese is addictive too. ALL cheeses. Except for swiss. I hate swiss. I hate ham too. But ironically, a swiss and ham sandwich isn't that bad."

At this time, the debate between eating and sleeping is still raging. But the fact that cheese is good has been proven without a doubt by the efforts of Accepted Erin. This study may have been brought on by the fact that cheese is a recurring theme in the Brown Ajah halls. "It's amazing how many threads cheese has come up in here," stated Aeris Sedai.

But the question on everyone's minds now is whether we should spend our free time eating or sleeping. Our very own Aeris Sedai and Greggorian Gaidin have proposed a possible solution... sleep eating. Aeris Sedai is in contact currently with the Tar Valon patent office to secure their claim to the revolutionary idea.

The Holiday Spirit

All over the Tower, members are dressing up for the holidays and spreading festive thoughts. The numbers of Santas, reindeer, and all manner of other characters are growing rapidly.

Rumors of Compulsion

After setting an all-time record for new membership in the Brown Ajah, there have been dark rumors about Compulsion being employed. In less than one month's time, seven Accepteds petitioned to join the Brown. But with this amazing occurrence came gossip.

"So many new Accepteds...i'm starting to think Jorryn's using compulsion," was the overheard comment that started the whole fiasco.

As you all are aware, Compulsion is strictly forbidden by Tower Law, and if in fact Jorryn Sedai had been using it to boost her membership numbers, there would be dire consequences. The Hall has convened and is directing an investigation into these rumors, even as the Brown continues to attract new members.

Publicly, Jorryn Sedai maintained her Aes Sedai cool, refuting the alleged use of an outlawed weave. "I would never use compulsion to draw in new members. The very thought is outrageous." The Head of the Brown has kept to her quarters and has not made further statements.

The Bulletin will follow up on this story next week.

"It's like chatting with the Dark One..."

Overheard in chat not long ago, the Amyrlin Seat observed the following: "It's like chatting with the Dark One. Only the Dark One is two Browns with ADD."

Leave it to Naomi Sedai and Aeris Sedai to carry on a conversation in the middle of chat with the caps lock on. At least now we know the true nature of the Dark One!

Helpful Brown Tip of the Week

Here's a tip for all you new people, if you dont understand what Greggorian Gaidin says, its probably 'cause he's quoting a movie.


1 out of 4 Browns didn't realize there was a Shawl in this great icon that Yenie made for us. Really says something about