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Author: Atarah al'Norahn


Caralain was one of the twenty-four nations that arose either during or shortly after the War of the Hundred Years. It was located in the central part of the Westlands, north of Andor, where the Caralain Grass now lies (The World of Robert Jordan's "The Wheel of Time").

In "The Great Hunt", Caralain is given two alternate spellings: Carralain, and Carallain (The Great Hunt, Chapter 10; The Great Hunt, Chapter 46). These could be actual alternate spellings, or simply typos.

The nation of Caralain faded away by the year 600 NE. All that is left of it is the Caralain Grass. It is now only marked on old maps (Lord of Chaos, Chapter 20).

The Caralain Grass

Now, the area where Caralain once stood is an empty plain, almost completely uninhabited. Sometimes, you can go for days without seeing another person (The Great Hunt, Chapter 6).