Community Page: Positions in the White Ajah

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Chat Mistresses

The Chat Mistresses monitor White Chat #whitechat Home of the Bubble Ajah. These are informal positions within the Ajah

Our Current Chat Mistresses are Enya, Laralelle and Dovienya.

Historical Chat Mistresses

Natalya and Aidan Unknown - November 20, 2011

Cookbook Coordinator

The Cookbook Coordinator develops and maintains the White Ajah Cookbook. This is an informal position within the Ajah.

Our Current Cookbook Coordinator is Elin.

Head of Ajah

The Head of Ajah is the membership administrator for all Aes Sedai of her Ajah. She watches over them, guides them, deals with administrative issues with them, keeps track of them, and settles any disputes while encouraging them to remain active and involved in the Community at large. She also facilitates the guesting experience of all Accepted both those guesting as well as those who have chosen to aspire to the Ajah. The Head of Ajah is also the person responsible for deciding when an Accepted is ready for raising to become a full member of the Ajah. The Head of Ajah is an Administrative position within the Ajah and on the site. The Head of Ajah for the White Ajah is called the First Reasoner.

Our Current First Reasoner is Isarma.

Historical First Reasoners

Natalya Laragan - June 26, 2009 - December 31, 2010
Rehtaeh al'Navi - December 4, 2007 - June 26, 2009
Shyana al'Veara - March 18, 2006 - December 4, 2007
Dralyn Montsier - May 27, 2005 - March 17, 2006
Muirenn Lina Alianin - October 31, 2003 - May 27, 2005
Lyssandra Darai - October 23, 2003 - October 31, 2003
Arthaine Dasin - August 10, 2001 - October 23, 2003


The Heart is the warm and fuzzy center of our Ajah. She is the lady who boosts our morale and motivates us with soft words and sometimes a big stick. The Heart motivates us to step outside of our Halls and Chambers. She helps keep us on track for holidays and honoring each other. The Heart of the White helps support the First Reasoner's administrative role and is a co-moderator for the White Halls and the White Chambers. She also assists with research for Raisings, and is a "cheerleader" of sorts for the Ajah. This is a formal position within the Ajah.

Our Current Heart is Enya.

Historical Hearts

Nymeria Donnachaidh - January 1, 2012 - March 19, 2012
Dovienya el'Korim - July 1, 2011 - January 1, 2012
Loira Al'Ramoidra - January 1, 2011 - July 1, 2011
Elin al'Nia - July 1, 2010 - January 6, 2011
Melaine Thayet - January 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010
Rehtaeh al'Navi - July 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009
Lyara Tieran - January 15, 2009 - June 30, 2009
Chria al'Diene - June 1, 2008 - January 15, 2009
Annouk Vinkona Ùlfanna - January 1, 2008 - May 31, 2008
Andra Mikolan - Interim Heart August 2008 - December 31, 2008
Melaine Thayet - April 3, 2007 - July 2008
Andra Mikolan - October 1, 2006 - April 3, 2007
Anya Valerin - April 1, 2006 - October 1, 2006
Shyana al'Vere - January 1, 2006 - April 1, 2006
Kiana al'Jadein - September 8, 2005 - December 31, 2005
Shirlyn Cheade - July 5, 2005 - September 8, 2005
Saera Caerthyn - date unknown - July 5, 2005
Eilidh Arimath - October 2003 - date unknown


Historian is an informal position within the Ajah. Our Historian will gather and maintain our History to pass on to the Ajah, along with her team.

Our Current Historian is Elin.

Historical Historians

Isarma Maracanda - February 10, 2010 - February, 2011
Noura Sofen - date unknown - February 10, 2010


Sitters for the Hall, a formal position within the Ajah and for the site.

Our current Sitters are Keisha and Aduiavas.

Historical Sitters

Fall 2012: Loira & Rehtaeh
Spring 2011: Nymeria & Rehtaeh
Fall 2010: Lyara & Loira
Spring 2010: Loira & Enya
Fall 2009: Lyara & Isarma
Spring 2009: Melaine & Natalya
Fall 2008: Aidan & Natalya
Spring 2008: Aidan & Chria
Fall 2007: Xaviara & Elbereth
Spring 2007: Ilenna & Xaviara
Fall 2006: Annouk & Zhareen
Spring 2006: Aidan & Kiana
Fall 2005: Melaine & Saera
Spring 2005: Shirlyn & Shyana
Fall 2004: Arelwen & Dralyn
Spring 2004: Amara & Arelwen
Fall 2003: Janya
Spring 2003: Lyssandra
Fall 2002: Eilidh
Spring 2002: Arthaine
Fall 2001: Arthaine


The Soul is a representative of the White Ajah, both in the Halls and on the Boards. She is both compassionate and confidential. She works closely with the First Reasoner and the Heart of the White Ajah. She is the liaison between the Accepted and the Aes Sedai. She is the official "welcomer" of Guests. She assists Guests and Aspirants with keeping track of their site and Ajah contributions, as well as with brainstorming contribution ideas. She helps support the morale of the Ajah and its Guests.
Traditionally this position has been held by an Accepted, and now held by an Aspirant of the White Ajah. This is an informal position within the Ajah.

Our current Soul is Avendaella!

Historical Souls

Laralelle September 6, 2011 - December 31, 2011
Kitan May, 2011 - September 6, 2011
Alyccea May 5 2010-July 2010
Geneve January 28 2010-May 5 2010
Kaileena October 1 2009-January 28 2010
Morwynna June 6 2009-1 October 2009
Elin January 29 2009-June 6 2009
Isarma October 10 2008-January 29 2009
Arelai 4/01/07-7/05/07
Rehtaeh 10/01/06-3/31/07
Bridonna 4/01/06-9/30/06
Aeryth 11/01/05-5/31/06

White Lab Report Editor

The White Lab Report is the newsletter of the White Ajah. This is a fairly new endeavour and soon will be available as part of the Tar Valon Times. This is an informal position within the Ajah.

Our current Editor is Keisha.

For a complete list of positions members of the White Ajah hold or have held on the site, have a look here: White Ajah (Time Served)