Talk:Vallah al'Dera

From Tar Valon Library
Revision as of 09:24, 18 December 2012 by Toral Delvar (talk | contribs)
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Vallah apparently got some at Anni 2012, we are trying to get a list of what was warded so we can get them on people's pages--Toral, Department Director and subsupreme overlord 15:06, 18 December 2012 (UTC)

All she would have gotten were those I just amended with as pending (M & SM). Serenla said she'll try get me a list of the Anni merits but if she does not, then the Anni ones will be announced as part of the next batch which as it stands is over 620 merits and over 350 people. I'd personally rather get these all out so I can see where the gaps REALLY are. --Kerna 15:11, 18 December 2012 (UTC)

Yeah. I would like to have the ones that have been announced actually in the library, especially as some people who have them aren't happy that it isn't on their page, but if we don't know what was announced, we might need to wait. Though if it is only one or two people, it probably isn't too much to include them and just have a note somewhere--Toral, Department Director and subsupreme overlord 16:24, 18 December 2012 (UTC)