Turanine Merdagon

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Kyria d'Oreyn


Turanine Merdagon was an Aes Sedai of the White Tower. She was strong-faced with waist-length, white hair, dark, tilted eyes and a hooked nose that mark her as a Saldaean. She had a deep voice.

She is more than forty years dead. She had lectured when Beonin was an Accepted.

Beonin sees her ghost walking near the White Tower.

(Reference: Knife of Dreams, Chapter 2)


"She had always wondered why some weaves, such as Illusion, could be placed on yourself while it was impossible to make others, such as Healing, touch your own body. When she had asked that question as Accepted, Turanine had said in that memorable deep voice, 'As well ask why water is wet and sand dry, child. Put your mind on what is possible rather than why some things are not.' Good advice, yet she never had been able to accept the second part." (Beonin on Turanine; Knife of Dreams, Chapter 2)