Class: Companies Pt.1 Val'Cueran
Greetings, class! Sorry I'm running late.
My name is Valorian Gaidin, and I'll be teaching the Val'Cueran class, the first in Headmistress Aryela's series on the Companies of Since this is the first course, we will also do a quick recap of the history of the Companies and their structure.
Let's begin.
The Companies
In 2002, shortly after the Tower's founding, the Amyrlin set about creating the Companies as a male analogue to the Ajahs. At that time, three companies were formed, and given names which translate from the Old Tongue: San d'ma Shadar, or "Slayers of the Shadow"; Dai M'hael, as "Battle Leaders"; and Val'Cueran, the "Heart Guard". In 2004, Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb, or "Water Seekers", was was added to expand the Companies' representation and address a growing membership.
As I'm sure you've noticed, the Companies are also associated with symbols: as the Ajahs have colors, so the Companies have animals. One important thing to remember as you learn about and discuss the Companies is that these representations are symbols, not necessarily metaphors for a Company or its members. While we take imagery and symbolism from our animals, we don't embody every characteristic exclusively! A Val'Cueran may plan an invasion just as a Dai M'hael may use brute force; and San d'ma Shadar may surprise you with their abilities of intrigue! We are all Gaidin, and as such we have common characteristics that include loyalty, courage, quickness of thought and action. These classes will, of course, describe why each company is unique - but first and foremost, we all work together for the security of the White Tower, our Aes Sedai, and the citizens of Tar Valon. Remember this as you take part in these discussions.
- Fun Fact #1
Val'Cueran's original symbol was actually the Wolfhound. However, we found that most people assumed it was a Wolf anyway, and the concept of a "pack" made sense for our ethos. Additionally, "wolfhound" refers to a role rather than an actual breed; thus, it was changed to Direwolf within the first year. Next class - Call of the Wild: What makes Val'Cueran unique among the Companies?
For our first session, please post any questions you'd like me to address in our upcoming curriculum, about Val'Cueran or the Companies as a whole. I've been at the Tower for a very long time, and if I don't already know the answer, I will know someone who does. :)
- I HEARD that each company was based upon the personality of a specific person. Who was VC based on, and why?
- So, VC went from wolfhound to dire wolf to now just wolf. How about the colors? The companies all have two - how did VC choose red and gold?
- How does "Heart Guard" define VC?
- Here's a question I've actually pondered before: In the books, "Heart Guard" is called "Valdar Cuebiyari". This comes from the following quote: "Muad'drin tia dar allende caba'drin rhiadem! Los Valdar Cuebiyari! Los! Carai an Caldazar! Al Caldazar!" So how did the name "Val'Cueran" come about. Was it just a literal translation? ("Val" meaning guard, and "Cueran" meaning guard iirc)
- If Val Cueran was a sports team, what positions would the prominent gaidin of VC play and why?!
- What made you choose to be VC and has the company changed since its inception?
- Do the individual companies share a natural compatability with another?
- Are any of the companies inclined to work with a particular Ajah?
- Valorian
The class is open to any who wish to participate. Thanks for the questions, everyone - you're welcome to interject as things come to mind, and I'll address them as our course progresses. Of course, the answers to some of your questions may be part of the upcoming course material - in which case, read on!
Lesson 1
Today's Fun Fact also happens to answer Kiante's earlier question.
- Fun Fact #2
The Amyrlin designed the first three Companies, in part, as characterizations of the three ta'veren protagonists in the books: Rand, destined to slay the Shadow; Mat, leading battles of legend; and Perrin, golden-eyed wolfbrother. The late addition of MDD doesn't fit this mold - but in their own way, that's as poetic as any of the others!
And to Azi's question regarding translation: The difference between "valdar cuebiyari" and "val'cueran" has been noted by others in the past - and perhaps the Amyrlin simply used a different mode of the Old Tongue? Perhaps it's a matter of context. Who can say?
For today's subject:
Four Companies, Four Aspects
As described in our last session, the Companies collectively possess the characteristics of Gaidin - the nobility and strength of brothers in battle. But what makes the Companies different? What are their distinct personalities?
Here is where we separate ourselves from the next three classes in our Headmistress' series, and begin to look at things through Val'Cueran's eyes; the other Companies will speak for themselves. Consider all sides. With that disclaimer, let's describe the Companies and their respective roles in the White Tower. Four companies, four aspects - the number lends itself to a certain symmetry of ideas. We'll take advantage of this as we examine our roles over the next two sessions.
VC Perspective 1: SDS & DM
- San d'ma Shadar.
It is often said that "the Tower remains unbroken," and this is the language of SDS. Calling him mere muscle is a disservice; their real virtue is survival, and the strength to maintain when everything around him fails. Quickness is good, power is better, but true glory goes to the last man standing. His vitality and "force of life" are to be reckoned with, whether you're trading punches or doing shots; and though he's competitive by nature, don't assume you share his endgame. When you think it's over, the Bear is just getting started.
Core Attribute: Endurance.
- Dai M'hael.
Kings and politicians can order men to battle, but it takes another mentality altogether to truly lead them. At once objective and intuitive, a leader bears the weight of mortal decision-making while dispassionately analyzing the scene. A lesser man might flinch at making a cost-benefit analysis with people's lives or fortunes, but this objectivity is the strength of the high-flying Hawk: he might be a cog in a great machine, but the purpose and power of that machine are far beyond the grasp of those who can't see the scheme. Battles drive wars, and wars drive empires - and if you think he's out of touch, you just aren't playing at his level.
Core Attribute: Judgment
We're saving the last two Companies for later this week, so we can discuss the perspectives on SDS and DM in more depth. For junior members especially: How do the descriptions above relate to your understanding of the Companies so far? Are they fair, foul, incomplete - and if so, how?
Next Class: More of your questions answered! And ... VC Perspective 2: VC & MDD. Yep, we have a viewpoint for ourselves, too. And a perspective on MDD in the same post?? Think this'll turn into a cage match? We'll see!
Loreniel brings up an excellent point, and it's worth addressing before you make assumptions about any of the Companies. Should a company be defined more by its stated ideals, or by the aggregate personality of its members? Certainly it's at least a little of both, but should one be considered over the other when considering where to aspire? Should a member join the group with whose members they feel the strongest personal bonds, or that champions the ideals they most admire?
There's no simple answer, but a junior member's approach to this question can make all the difference. While I have my own opinions on the subject, I'll save the treatise for a later discussion - for now, consider it yourself. Which do you value more, connections or causes?
Now, back to our Perspectives.
Lesson 2
VC Perspective 2: MDD & VC
- Mahdi'in d'ma Dieb
To see the truth of something, you must experience it from more than one viewpoint, else you are handicapped by natural bias. Wise men prefer the counsel of dissenters over that of sycophants, but the wisest of all learn to see clearly from multiple sides. Such revelations can be galling to the unprepared or closed-minded, but the Wind Seekers excels with grains of salt and shades of grey. Nor does he challenge convention blindly: indeed, the chink in your armor armor and the cracks in the wall are where an icy draft bites hardest. Zealots in denial and oblivious fools lament the Fox's sharp teeth and sharper tongue, but fail to heed the warning of a chill wind to your peril. If you feel it sting, perhaps it's time to take a step back and find out why.
Core Attribute: Perception
- Val'Cueran
All men of action claim duty, honor, and integrity as defining virtues. To do what must be done unflinchingly is a mark of courage. Yet these values alone cannot generate passion: rather, they are shadows of an inner light. Muscles are simply meat without life-blood to animate them; intelligence without purpose is cold and detached. The Heart Guard represents a motive force - hope and commitment, respect and resolve - energies which direct us to pursue dreams and aspire to causes. The blood of the Tower is its membership: people that care and feel and work, with the collective capacity for incredible accomplishment. Val'Cueran is our beating heart, a reminder of all that is possible and a catalyst for cooperative good.
Core Attribute: Devotion
- Fun Fact #3
Of the four animals represented by the Companies, wolves are the only ones that mate for life.
In keeping with our last Perspectives post: now that you've seen all four Companies from a VC point of view, what are your feelings regarding their portrayal here, the Companies' own descriptions of themselves, and your direct interactions with members?
- Essay Question #1
Do you believe that an individual chooses their Company or a Company chooses the individual? What are the benefits or pitfalls of group self-definition, versus an individual's right to join? I'm more interested in your personal take rather than regurgitating policy, of course.
- Kiante
As for your second question, it's obviously a mix of both. I think a fair amount of VC Gaidin thought that I would be a good VC. Actually, my friend Marivea was completely unsurprised. She guessed it when I told her I Aspired, I didn't even have to tell her which Company. So, while I had to come to the choice myself, and examine it, I think there are probably some signs that people can see, whether consciously or subconsciously, that can indicate where they might do well.
- Azi
Like Kiante, for me it was a balance. A lot of people (moreso the ones who didn't know me as well) thought I would go MDD. Certainly, I had very much considered it and no doubt I'd be happy there. It was a balance of liking the guys in the company and digging deeply for the values and core of SDS. You can't really have one without the other - the companies (I feel) share a lot more with each other than the Ajahs do, and there is no fictional base to give a foundation or stereotypes. It's really been the people that have made the companies, and you can't make a decision without considering them.
- Aldus
I believe that the ideal that the individual chooses their Company is not 100% achieved here at TarValon.Net, and to be fair, I propose that such an ideal is not 100% possible. There are several reasons for this, all of which have much to do with the nature of a human beings both socially and individually.
When a new Soldier begins guesting, he may have just one Company in his heart, and only guests with his second Company because the rules dictate he must. On the other hand, he may be dedicated to the ideal that he must give each Company a fair chance before settling on any one, feeling that the best way to be sure he is making the right choice is to have all the information possible before deciding. Of course, a good number will fall between these two extremes, but it illustrates the gamut nicely.
Whichever way that a Soldier finds the Company he wants to become a Gaidin of, once he aspires the next move is a combination of his and his chosen Company’s to make. During that time, he needs to familiarize himself with his chosen Company, and they with him. Who he is and who they are as people entirely effects what proceeds from there. Presuming he has his Contribution to the Tower out of the way, once he’s been with them long enough for their Company Commander to feel comfortable extending the good name of the Company to the potential Gaidin, he will.
Thus we have the first hurdle towards the individual choosing his Company. It is quite possible that the Company Commander will not be easily made comfortable enough to place a raising thread in the private Company forum for the aspiring Soldier. In fact, it is quite possible that a particular CC may opt to never, during his term, do so. That can leave an aspiring Soldier up to eighteen months to wait until a new Commander comes in to consider his aspiration. That’s a long time, and one in which that Soldier will likely see others moved ahead and through the same process to obtain what he wants to achieve, creating a notably demoralizing environment for that Soldier.
However, let us say that he isn’t faced with that issue: perhaps the Company Commander has no real problem putting the aspiring Soldier forward for raising. However, there is always the possibility that once the raising thread is placed, that the Gaidin of that Company will fail to give one positive recommendation for the aspiring Soldier, or worse, give negative feedback. Now, of course it is stressed that no one in the Company gets a vote, but I cannot but see such a situation as causing the CC quite a bit of pause. It may even make putting a raising packet together for that Soldier difficult, and, if the Company Commander was still able to assemble the packet, the Hall would no doubt take a dim view to such poor recommendations.
This could then once again leave the aspiring Soldier in a very awkward and disheartening place. When faced with long delays of the sorts I describe above, it would be quite likely that he would consider un-aspiring and looking elsewhere. If he goes through with that, then by whichever means the Company used to discourage him, that Company, indirectly (and completely in compliance with the letter of TarValon.Net law) will have chosen not to allow that Soldier in... and succeeded.
So, yes, a Company gets no official way to naysay an aspiring Soldier. Indeed, a Company cannot choose a Soldier to join it, so there is a good amount of choice left to the individual. The good news is, the above examples are extreme cases, and not at all typical of how things happen here. The bad news is, the patience of an aspirant may not be sufficient to the task of even scaled-back versions of the above problems, which allows the Companies to have even subtler means to select "yes" or "no" on those Soldiers who choose to aspire to them.
- Maris
To me it's an obvious mutual partnership.
As a junior member aspiring to be a part of a company it's always a good idea to put your best foot forward. Be open and honest about yourself and be cooperative in requests the senior membership makes. Sometimes that may require me/you to go above and beyond (if it's within reason). But a JM needs to put himself out there and participate the best to his ability. See who it is that is responding to them and make that connection. It's a prime opportunity to make a new and lasting friend regardless whether you join the company of that person.
As a company, I think you are looking for individuals who adhear to those ideals. If they do then that should make for a good indicator as to the quality of the potential new member. It's important though for the members of the company that has a guest to make that JM feel welcome and comfortable. You wouldn't want to run them off if you're truly trying to bolster your roster. Be friendly and if you think someone would make your company better, then tell your mates. As a junior member it feels good to feel wanted.
I hope I didn't miss the point of the question. I get off in my own little world at times. (That sounds so wrong...I know! :lol)
- Leo
I'm pretty much going to echo other people here, but I think a Company is able to make it clear whether the person is accepted or not. It's quite obvious when people do/don't want to talk and get to know you so I would say the Soldier may have a Company he would like to join and therefore make the effort with but if this isn't reciprocated then the ball is in the Company's court, be it through just not raising said Soldier or just making the Soldier think he should look somewhere else. So I think it comes down to a joint decision, of somewhere the Soldier feels comfortable with people who want to have him around.
- Elizabeth
And as far as choosing a company...I would also have to say its a combination of both...I think that whether someone was accepted or not would be pretty's one of those things, I think when someone has found the company they belong with they'll know it. I've often heard various Aes Sedai here saying that when they found the Ajah they now call home, they knew it was where they belonged and that they couldn't bear to leave it again, I'd think the experience would be similar within the companies *shrugs*
Hope everyone had an awesome Memorial Day weekend (for those of you in the States, that is). During this coming week, we'll be hearing from more Val'Cueran members, hopefully to include our gallant officers.
For now, though, I'd like to open a new discussion topic: If Val'Cueran is, by our previous definition, about "taking things seriously", about putting your whole heart and will into a cause or project, how do you think that is best expressed in a service community such as ours? (Whether or not you see individual members always live up to their full potential is immaterial here; it's not about asking people to be perfect, but the difference between passionate effort and simple duty.)
- Euriel
Hello everyone,
For those of you who don't know me; My name is Euriel Than and I'm the company commander of Val Cueran.
Val'Cueran to me was an easy choice as soon as I joined the site. I knew from balls to bones that it was meant for me. I looked around the other companies and even guested with DM for a bit but to me there was only one that was for me.
Theres a certain comradery like no other company has and to me it seemed they were the only company that wasn't based on a theme for they were one of the oldest of the site, before they started having themes like, "the joker company, the brains company, the brawn company" They simply are warders. I think that's it's most defining characteristic. I think that a lot of our values and our description of the heart company spring from the fact that almost all of our company would describe themselves as "Warders first, Gaidin Second"
Almost all VC are very close to their Aes Sedai and are very loyal to them and from this shared feeling we are all close. VC are a tight knit group of men and as such we look after each other. We form a support structure that helps each other in times of need and we have been there for each other in the worst of times to pull each other through.
As a company commander I feel no higher in position than the men I serve as they are all my family and most decisions made are done by concencious. But I see my role more as a guide for the company as a whole. Putting forward Ideas and making sure things get done and the bow is pointed in the right direction and it's up to everyone as to how we get there. I don't force cooperation but I encourage it. I for the moment play the role of big brother and look after my men as they look after me.
I think the most important thing that I look for in a new aspirant is a commitment to the company. Are they like I once was, a VC to the bone or are they someone who simply can't find a better choice. If they are the latter, that's not a bad thing. Some people just can't find it the home that I do but are they likely to leave on a whim? Will they find happiness here? Will they grow into our company or are they always going to be arkward outsiders. If they are then what effect do they have on the whole?
It's these things that can only be really understood by watching them post and chat and gel with the group and then can I feel right about putting them through for raising. To sum it up.. I don't so much care if you're right with me... but that we're right with/for you.
I hope this helps. Thanks for having me and please note that my PM box is always open for anyone who wants to talk or ask questions.
In the mean time I'll pass you back to Valorian.
Thanks Valo
- Braedan
Surprise, one in the classroom on a Friday... :p
Hey folks! I've been following your discussion here in this class and thought I would put my two cents in. My name is Braedan and I've been blessed to be allowed to serve as the current Honor Guard for Val'Cueran.
For a bit of background on story is somewhat similar to Euriel's in that I knew from early on that I wanted to be VC. Although I made several friends in each of the other companies while I was a recruit and then a soldier, there was only ever one choice for me. However, I wanted to be true to the guesting process and to take the opportunity to see what the other companies were about, so I guested with each one. They all seemed to have their own admirable qualities and had some really great guys in their respective groups, but in the end I never waivered one bit in my choice. I was going to be a wolf...or nothing. I don't know that I can quantify exactly why it was that I felt so strongly about it...I just knew that VC was my home. I felt comfortable in VC from the start and there hasn't been one second that I've ever second guessed my decision. These men are my every sense of the word.
Of the many qualities that our company possesses, one of the traits that stands out to me is our diversity. We are a group of men that come from vastly different backgrounds, from different geographic regions and countries, with a wide array of talents and in different "stages" in our lives. In many groups, this could serve to be divisive and lead to problems...but for VC it is a uniting force. We draw strength from our diversity by incorporating all of our different qualities, viewpoints and attributes into a single, cohesive unit. We celebrate our different individual aspects and attributes, and combine them to make us stronger as a a the pack.
This viewpoint is the one I use when evaluating new aspirants as well. Each man should look to come into VC bringing with him his individual qualities and attributes...and seek to bring those talents to bear in order to make our entire company better. Each person that I would consider as a potential brother should value individuality...while at the same time seeking to use his particular set of skills to enrich the whole of our group. We are a group of individuals that seek to live by certain ideals of brotherhood and honor; taking every little bit that each man brings to the table and incorporating that into a shared purpose and vision in order to make VC shine above all others.
Lastly, I'll take a moment to talk about my position as Honor Guard. As Euriel mentioned, we have an atmosphere of equality in VC and neither he nor myself feels as though our opinion weighs more than that of any other brother in the company. Most all items are discussed openly amongst all brothers and everyone has an opportunity to give his thoughts and opinions prior to a decision being reached. That being said, I essentially serve as Euriel's vice president. My role is to assist Euriel in whatever he needs me to do. I also would be tasked with fulfilling his duties should he need to be absent for any length of time. I have some other loosely defined duties such as monitoring some of our threads and topics, being available to assist our Soldiers with site contributions and assisting when site events pop up. Other than that...I just try to be active and visible...and be available whenever Euriel or other brothers need me.
I hope at least some of this information has been useful. I appreciate you all allowing me to interrupt your class momentarily to share a few thoughts that I have about VC. If anyone has questions or comments about anything I posted or would like to discuss anything about VC, please feel free to PM me any time!
Big thanks to Valo for taking time to offer this class. Although I've been here a number of years, I've found some enlightening information here and have thoroughly enjoyed following the class discussion.
- Halan
Its still friday up there mentee?
you must be Gutted :p
its already Saturday down here :D
As for my story about joining Val'Cueran and becoming a member of the pack, i think the others pretty much have already covered it. When i joined many years ago i read over the company descriptions and Val'Cueran's sounded something that i could relate to and identify with, its a bit hard to explain, but I found that the more i hung out with VC in the forus the more this company began to feel like my home.
I guested briefly with SDS and MDD for awhile, and made friends in each company. But although each had its own individual flavour and personality, neither of them felt truley right for me. So i aspired Val'Cueran and to be honest i havnt looked back.
Finding a company for a JM can be a long and tricky choice, i think that this class is very beneficial to our more junior members, and i think that Valo has done a tremendous job of showing VC's perception of the towers companies as a whole.
good job Valo.
- Valorian
Thanks Euriel and Braedan for your posts; you each described feelings that I share but could not have expressed half so well. I also appreciate the comments from other VC in this thread so far, which have contributed greatly to the conversation.
This class is scheduled to end on the 10th, which gives us a few more days for questions and comments. Thank you to everyone who participated; I hope you enjoyed the philosophical nature of the discussion. There will be no quizzes or surveys as I don't think either would be particularly educational or a good use of time, but I do encourage everyone to PM me if you have additional comments or questions after the 10th.
Finally, thanks to Headmistress Aryela for creating and promoting these classes on the Companies; I look forward to following and participating in the remaining entries in this series.