Derys Nermala
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Estyrien al'Halien
Derys Nermala is a Kinswoman. Derys is pretty and slender.
She is not very strong in the One Power.
(Reference: A Crown of Swords, Chapter 23)
- Unknown: Derys is either sent away from the Tower or runs away. She joins the Kin (ACoS, Ch. 23).
- 1000 NE: Derys serves tea to Reanne, Garenia, and Berowin when they question Nynaeve and Elayne (ACoS, Ch. 23).
- 1000 NE: Derys takes Sarainya to Reanne, Garenia, and Berowin (ACoS, Ch. 24).
- 1000 NE: Derys tries to attack Mat when he bursts in on Elayne, Nynaeve, and the Knitting Circle (ACoS, Ch. 31).
- 1000 NE: Derys is sent to the Farm (ACoS, Ch. 23).
- 1000 NE: Derys flees to Caemlyn with the other Kinswomen after the Seanchan attack the Farm (KoD, Ch. 17).
- 1000 NE: Derys finds Mirane's doll and realizes that Kinswomen have been murdered and did not run away, as was assumed (KoD, Ch. 17).
- Derys lived in Ebou Dar before the Seanchan attacked it (ACoS, Ch. 23).
- Derys wanted to marry Master Denal. The Knitting Circle found out and extended her stay at the Farm as punishment (ACoS, Ch. 23).
- Derys likes the sound of her own voice (KoD, Ch. 17).
"I thought fish would sing the day she cracked a rule, much less broke one." (Garenia; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 23)
"She wanted to marry. She will advance a turn and go with Keraille the day after the Feast of the Half Moon. That will settle for Master Denal." (Berowin about Derys being sent to the Farm; A Crown of Swords, Chapter 23)