Get To Know the Reds: Anirfyan
From Tar Valon Library
Anirfyan Dayen, Aes Sedai
SAHM [translation = stay at home mome]
Nala and Lady(Rotties)
Favorite Books:
WoT, HP, Kushiel's Legacy
Favorite Movies:
National Treasure, Splendor in the Grass, HP
Favorite TV Shows:
CSI, House, Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, Burn Notice
My daughter
If I could travel anywhere it would be to:
Italy and Japan
I chose the Red Ajah because:
I love the closeness, and powerful personalities of the ladies in my Ajah
Positions I’ve held within the Red Ajah:
Sitter, Heart, and Head
Positions I’ve held around the site:
None yet!