A Memory of Light: Chapter 12

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Author Leo Kian

Crescent Moon and Stars Chapter Icon.png

A Shard of a Moment

Chapter Icon: Crescent Moon and Stars

Points of View: Birgitte, Rand, Perrin


Birgitte and some Aiel fight Trollocs in the woods. Rand meets Mierin in Tel'aran'rhiod and shares his true feelings and plans with her proving he feels no love for her. Perrin asks Edarra about walking in the World of Dreams in flesh but she refuses to share any information except that it's an evil thing and dying there means dying forever.


Birgitte's Point of View:

Location: Braem Wood

Characters: Birgitte

Birgitte has been severed from the Horn forever. She fears that she has lost Gaidal. She is beginning to lose her past memories. Birgitte and the Aiel hide in a cave and ambush a Fist of fifty Trollocs which they quickly overcome. They move through the forest, death and decay filling the air. They come across another group of Trollocs, but must retreat as the group is too big for them to fight. Elayne has ordered the human dead recovered, hopefully inspiring fear in the Trollocs when they see only their dead. Elayne's plan is to have small groups of fighters pick off the Trollocs.

Rand's Point of View:

Setting: Tel'aran'rhiod

Characters: Rand, Cyndane

Rand is in a dreamshard of his own creation. He walks through a peaceful wood and through a valley. He ignores a dark cave placed before him once before entering when seeing it for the second time. Inside he finds Mierin struggling in a pool of water, she asks him to help her, to release her. Rand sees through the deception and she quickly releases the illusion. They talk of her captivity and her lust for power, which Rand sees as her motive for everything. He asks her to open herself completely to him, to let him see her true intentions but she refuses. Mierin attempts to play on the love that she believed Lews Therin had for her, but Rand refutes this saying that he never loved her. He then lets go of any feeling he had for her. Rand opens himself to her, showing her his intentions and desires, she sees them as a swirl of colour, as pictures and learns of his plan to kill the Dark One. After this Rand leaves the cave.

Perrin's Point of View:

Location: Braem Wood

Characters: Perrin, Edarra

Perrin is in Braem Wood in the evening. He checks on his people, making sure their camp is secure and that they are fed before going to the Aiel encampment. Elayne's forces are doing well against the Shadowspawn but they are outnumbered. Perrin finds Edarra, a Wise One who stayed with Perrin despite most of her kind going north to Shayol Ghul with Rand. Perrin asks her about Dreamwalking in the flesh, she replies that it is an evil thing and that he would risk losing a part of himself. She also warns that if he dies in the flesh there he could die forever. She refuses to speak to him any more on the matter and leaves.


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