A Memory of Light: Chapter 22

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Serpent Chapter Icon.png

The Wyld

Chapter Icon: A serpent twisted through a square

Points of View: Egwene, Perrin



Egwene's Point of View:

Location: Kandor

Characters: Egwene, Demandred, Gawyn, Leane

Egwene is hiding from the Sharans in the camp. She sees Leane being captured and brought to Bao, the Wyld, who proclaimed himself as their savior & is in charge of the Sharans. He ordered Leane to tell Lews Therin that he has come to slay him. He tells Leane that he was once called Barid Bel & Egwene realizes the man is Demandred.

Perrin's Point of View:

Setting: Tel'aran'rhiod

Characters: Perrin, Cyndane, Gaul, Hessalam, Steps, Turn Bow, White Eyes

The wolves tell Perrin that Moonhunter (Lanfear) and Heartseeker (unknown to Perrin, except that she must be a Forsaken) walk the dream. He stalks Heartseeker and is eventually attacked by her until he vanishes. He then imagines her mouth stuffed with forkroot and she coughs out forkroot. He imagines ropes, but she incinerates them and steps through a gateway into a mass of Trollocs and Fades. Lanfear states that Perrin should have killed her. Perrin guessed that the woman was Graendal and Lanfear advises Perrin that they are to use her new name, Hessalam, which means “without forgiveness”. She advises Perrin that he could learn to shift between the dream world and the real world. She then tells him that Graendal was invading the dream of Davram Bashere, his wife’s father.


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