A Memory of Light: Chapter 9

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Heron-Marked Sword Chapter Icon Square.png

To Die Well

Chapter Icon: Heron-Marked Sword

Points of View: Lan, Egwene, Rand


The army at the Tarwin's Gap keeps fighting the Shadowspawn even though eventually they will retreat. Lord Agelmar talks with Lan and manages to convince him not to throw his life away because they need him alive with the Last Battle upon the humans. Egwene's army is moving to Kandor where she questions Egeanin regarding the Seanchan. Rand has dinner with Elayne. She gives him the dagger ter'angreal.


Lan's Point of View:

Setting: Tarwin's Gap

Characters: Lan, Andere, Agelmar, Bulen, Coladara, Kaisel, Narishma, Tenobia

Lan's armies continue holding the Trollocs at the Gap but they know the Shadowspawn would overrun them eventually. After Bulen's death Lan talks with the soldiers about those who died well and they laugh instead of mourn. With Narishma's help Lan leaves his friend's body on the top of a mountain where he would be preserved until they are able to bury him properly. All of a sudden the the ground starts shaking and rumbling, and tiny rents appear in the rock, cracks that are way too dark to be normal. The nothingness behind the cracks disappear soon but Lan is worried and heads to the Saldean camp. There he talks with Lord Agelmar about how tired the men are and he refuses to retreat and leave Malkier to the Shadow a second time. Agelmar calls him selfish and tells him it's irresponsible to throw his life away with the Last Battle upon them and that their task is to hurt the Shadow even by falling back. An emergency signal draws Lan't attention and he storms out to help the defensive lines. He realizes that eventually he will do what has to be done and abandon Malkier again.

Egwene's Point of View:

Location: The Field of Merrilor

Characters: Egwene, Domon, Gawyn, Leilwin, Silviana

Egwene's army is moving to Kandor. She talks with Gawyn who is now her husband and obviously impatient to fight the Shadow. Silviana discusses with Egwene Elayne's proposal for a stationary hospital. The Amyrlin agrees eventually and suggest Mayene being the place where the wounded would be transferred and healed by the Yellow Sisters, the Novices and the Accepted. Egwene goes to meet Egeanin/Leilwin. The Amyrlin offers her a chance to repay her debt for not getting rid of the bracelets. The Seanchan woman swears to serve and protect Egwene who asks her about Seanchan military, arms, strength and the plans of the Empress.

Rand's Point of View:

Location: The Field of Merrilor

Characters: Rand, Elayne

Rand arrives at Elayne's tent where he waits for her to arrive and they talk about the war, about their children and have dinner together. Rand tells her what happened atop of Dragonmounth. Elayne tells him he should not deny the people their right to fight and defend what they love. Rand explains to her how the Pattern work trying to balance good and evil and give her a small statue of a woman - a seed that is used for creating angreals. Elayne gives him the dagger ter'angreal that prevents the Shadow to see the holder.


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