Derah din Selaan Rising Wave
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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn
Derah din Selaan Rising Wave is Sailmistress of the White Spray. She is handsome, a little short of her middle years and wears four earrings in each ear (ACoS, Ch. 34).
- The White Spray docks in Aringill where Zaida and her Swordmaster come ashore. The soarer sets sail onward to Cairhien (LoC, Ch. 5; LoC, Ch. 17).
- When Erian wants to visit the White Spray, she is not allowed to come aboard (LoC, Ch. 27). Egwene is even dumped into the water when she goes (LoC, Ch. 32).
- Derah, Harine, Shalon, and Taval meet Rand and his entourage to settle the Bargain (ACoS, Ch. 34).