Health and Disease
The One Power
- Main article: Healing
Other forms
For those that cannot use the One Power to Heal, there are still a wide range of herbs and other treatments. In most villages, this is the role of one woman, such as the Wisdom
See also List of Herbs
Medicinal Herbs
- Acem
Used as a tea for head pain (TSR, Ch. 52)
- Andilay root
Used for fatigue (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Boneknit
Used to aid mending bones (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Blisterleaf
A herb from the Borderlands that can slow the spread of the taint from a Thakan'dar forged blade (ToM, Prologue)
- Blue Goatflower
Used to aid mending bones along with boneknit (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Bluespine
An unpleasant tasting tea, used mostly as a punishment (TFoH, Ch. 5)
- Bluewort
Used as a tea for an upset stomach (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Chainleaf
Used as a tea for an upset stomach (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Corenroot
Helps make blood (TDR, Ch. 38)
- Dogweed
Used as a tea on people who have been moping (TDR, Ch. 7)
- Dogwort
For knitting flesh (TDR, Ch. 38)
- Feverbane
Used for fever (TDR, Ch. 10)
- Five-finger
Used with ivy and sunburst root as an ointment of bruising (TEotW, Ch. 38)
- Flatwort tea
Used for fatigue (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Foxtail
Used with marasin in a tea to help sleep but not leave the person groggy (TEotW, Ch. 19)
- Gheandin Blossom
Used powdered to treat otherwise fatal heart pains (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Healall
Unknown use (TDR, Ch. 38)
- Heartleaf
Used as a tea to prevent conception (WH, Ch. 12
- Ivy
Used ground with five-finger and sunburst root as an ointment of bruising (TEotW, Ch. 38)
- Marisin
Used with foxtail in a tea to help sleep but not leave the person groggy (TEotW, Ch. 19)
- Marshwhite
Used as a tea for an upset stomach (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Rannel
Given along with sheepstongue root to people acting the fool or faking illness. It tastes unpleasant but does no harm (TGH, Ch. 8)
- Red Daisy
Given as a tea with sheepstongue root. It may cure headaches, or may just be used on people who complain when nothing is wrong with them (TFoH, Ch. 13)
- Sheepstongue Root
Given along with rannel to people acting the fool or faking illness. It tastes unpleasant but does no harm (TGH, Ch. 8)
- Silverleaf
Used as a tea with timsin root to cure headaches (TSR, Ch. 34)
- Sleepwell
- Sunburst Root
Used with ivy and sunburst root as an ointment of bruising (TEotW, Ch. 38)
- Timsin Root
Used as a tea with silverleaf to cure headaches (TSR, Ch. 34)
- Whitefennel
Used to ease birthing pains in a hard birth (TDR, Ch. 48)
- Willowbark
Used as a tea for headpain (TSR, Ch. 52) and general fever (TGH, Ch. 14)
- Worrynot Root
Used for fever (TDR, Ch. 10)
Poisonous Herbs
- Crimsonthorn root
A sweet tasting root that will kill, but slowly, even in large amounts, first paralysing the victim (ACoS, Ch. 28, TPoD, Ch. 8)
- Tarchrot Leaf
A bitter tasting poison that needs to be administered either repeatedly or in large amounts (TGS, Ch. 32)
- Black Fever
A disease that killed Artur Hawkwing's parents
- Blackbile Fever
A contagious disease (TGH, Prologue)
- Breakbone Fever
A disease that causes the sufferer to sweat and writhe, but will typically pass (TEotW, Ch. 21)
- Spotted Fever
A disease that once killed eleven people in Emonds's Field (CoT, Ch. 30)
- Yelloweye Fever
A fever that turns the irises yellow and leaves the person unable to stand (TEotW, Ch. 38)