Member Spotlight: Stasia t'Andrei
Author: Bruce al'Kay
Published: August 29 2020 - Tar Valon Times Blog Link
A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…
Hailing from southwest Michigan, our resident Sith Lord Darth Stasia has returned to her original seat of power after going away to Sith finishing school. When she isn’t organizing her schemes, Stasia can often be found spending time with her apprentice husband and her pupper, Caramel.
On the boards, Stasia has been volunteering her time as the Marketing Project Manager – a role that involves coordinating the Graphics Development Team (GDT), assisting the Director of Marketing, and plotting Galactic domination. When asked about her experience in the job, Stasia was remarkably chipper for a Sith lord:
“Working with the GDT and the rest of the Marketing team has been really great. We have some very talented people on the site, and it’s great to all work with and learn from each other.”
Although not formally trained in graphics, Stasia has been working independently to acquire those skills. “I’ve always had a passion for typography and good design,” Stasia said. “Thankfully, my skills have [been growing], and I’m able to apply those to working as part of the GDT.” Having settled into her role, this Brown Sedai does have some ideas about how to make her mark on the site: “We’re working on an overhaul to our site style guide and landing page, and I’m very excited for that!” In an attempt to veil her true Sith origins, Stasia also requested any comments or suggestions (
Editor’s Note: As she is not, in actuality, a Sith Lord as the author would like to pretend, Stasia very much would like to receive your comments.
Perhaps somewhat selfishly, as a Junior Member myself, I asked Darth Stasia what advice she had for JMs. In general, she encouraged us to try to get to know the Senior Membership.
“Don’t be afraid to reach out, whether in a post or a PM, to SMs! Don’t let a title fool you into thinking we’re something we’re not. At the end of the day, we’re all just a bunch of people who happen to love the same book series, and you’ve always got that in common as a talking point.”
Very wise indeed, Darth Stasia. The Force is strong with this one.
… What’s that? This is a Wheel of Time fan site and maybe we should talk about those books instead of Star Wars? Fine. While I won’t recopy her entire library entry here, I will recommend that you check it out, because her wit and style is obvious from the answers she gives to various surveys. It’s also a well-deserved tribute to the time she has given and the service Stasia has done for the White Tower over the years. In the vein of marketing, Ms. t’Andrei has served as Mind of the Brown Ajah and Tower Voice. She has also worked as part of the Social Media team, Department of Technology Staff, and as a Sitter for three terms!
As for our favorite saga: Mat, Rand, and Moiraine are Stasia’s favorite heroes. Favorite villains? Darth Vader Semhirage, Asmodean, and Graendal. Sensible choices, right? And of course, as is only correct, Stasia’s favorite character overall? Verin Mathwin.
Or, you know, Darth Vader.