Naomi al'Moranwin

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Template:MemberInfo VC

Why are you not __ Ajah?

I think that it boiled down to me thinking of Blue, Brown, and White.. more or less in that order. (People will tell you I have a green stripe too, but I can't say I seriously considered actually being Green...) But Blue was a little big and White was a little small. I clicked more with Brown and people who talked with me on the boards saw me as Brown. Mother once (I'd been Aes Sedai for years at that point) jokingly introduced me to someone as "Verrin Sedai".

And I haven't really answered the question as you phrased it.. I tried to sort of go over why I'm not each individual Ajah, but I'm having trouble with a definition for each of them that doesn't just speak to stereotypes. Humans use stereotypes to simplify life into manageable groupings, but I respect my sisters too much to peg them into stereotypes... even where they won't see. I don't want to say "I'm not Yellow because I don't want to help people with their problems unless I like them or find them interesting..." when I know that some Yellows might say the same.

I agree with Rijomu too, that the Brown Ajah has not stayed static over the years. I'm not just talking about the obvious cheese and tiki phases. The group is the sum of its parts, and our identity amongst ourselves and as it is perceived by the rest of the site shifts with our membership. Did you know Browns used to dominate chat? At almost any time of day there were at least 2-3 of us in there. (This is when 10 people in chat was huge.)

So I'm sorry I can't really answer the question. I'll ponder it for a while and try to see if I can define my existence based on what isn't there. Because Brown is really a part of my existence... I've been here for 7 years!