November, 2004 Tar Valon Times
Calendar by Arisaema Draconis
- November 5-7, Oklahoma Party
- November 13-15, Texas Get Together at the Texas Renaissance Festival
- November 21, Toronto Party at Milestones Resturant
- November 21-27, Free Week; American Thanksgiving
News by Al'Cary Mandoragon
Planning for our annual Fall Ball has commenced, with the event looking bigger and better than ever! One of the largest TarValon.Net events, it is being held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, this October the 24th. TarValon.Net hosts the most heavily attended Wheel of Time events, and this one includes Wheel of Time orientated activities and competitions, and will be highlighted with a catered dinner and dance. The Amyrlin Seat deemed the event a success.
Dragonmount turned 6 this month, and TarValon.Net offers sincere congratulations to for its years of excellent news, entertainment and community. Watch out though-we are catching up! TarValon.Net celebrates the milestone of 100 active Aes Sedai. While many Wheel of Time themed sites have more relaxed rules on gaining membership, TarValon.Net has always been proud to offer a highly discriminating standard for gaining Senior Membership. All of the 100 active Aes Sedai have needed to have proved herself mature and capable, as well as donating time and effort into making the site a better place. As well as 100 Aes Sedai, we also have 57 Gaidin, the male Senior Members. Dabel Brothers has released new images from the graphic novel New Spring. New Spring is due in early 2005.
Birthdays on by Al'Cary Mandoragon
Happy Birthday to all those who were born in the month of November!
Latran Caru'scante-2nd
Oskana Tyra-3rd
Nairah Tarak-5th
Tricia Greenleaf-6th
Rahien Allamar-6th
Alanya al'Mora-6th
Ban AlSeen-12th
Imogen Rova-16th
Kyla Sterling-16th
Lailauni al'Dager-16th
Sindra Bell-17th
Ghleanna Aurelia-18th
Maryan Tagora-18th
Alene al'Durana-18th
Robertus Cain-19th
Elissa Roshan-20th
James Davion-21st
Jakeb Morsin-23rd
Egere el'Pyne-24th
Iesha Ca'Shara-28th
Kaneda Venamar-29th
Kale al'Makire-29th
Valan Numenor-30th
Humor by Shamal al'Cain
The Wheel of Time Humor Vault is one of the most complete WoT humor vaults on the web right now. From innocent parodies to jokes with hidden meanings (most of them PG-13), the humor vault seems to have covered almost every topic from the Wheel of Time series to what Robert Jordan might have been thinking while he was writing the series. If you just want a chuckle or really want to fall out of your chair laughing, check out The Humor Vault.
My personal favorite is the The Wheel of Time Musical. It was quite interesting and funnier than most of the Wheel of Time comics on the web. What makes it so funny? Well, it could be that the authors take the time to really think out the jokes... or that everything sounds so true that you want to believe that Mat Cauthon might one day end up at your door... or maybe even because you're sitting in your underwear reading a song about sadistic Red Sisters (who don't exactly exist), singing to the tune of 'I Will Survive' (now I know it's not just me that does that...). All of these things just add to the hilarity of the jokes and give you a second to forget about the cleaning you have to do in a few minutes or any unfinished homework that's due tomorrow.
Either way, good job to those who have contributed to the site. I highly recommend taking a look at it... it might even brighten up your day!
Product of the Month: 2005 Art Calendar by Kyla Sterling
The 2005 WoT Art calendar is a truly amazing endeavor! Put together by some very talented members of the site, each month features a breathtaking rendering of some aspect of the world of Robert Jordan. If you want a reminder of the incredible people to be found here, or even if you just want to show off your uniqueness to your friends, the 2005 Wot Art calendar is just the addition to your collection!
Why haven't you bought something yet? by Cursor Wrathwind
Christmas is less than two months away, already the hottest items are selling out, and you have yet to buy a gift for that special someone. What to do? Why not visit the White Tower store? Through the store, you can buy everything you need for Christmas, even items that have little or nothing to do with the Wheel of Time. Want to pick up a Conan book for your brother? Done! Does your daughter love the music of The Wizard of Oz? We"ve got you covered.
When looking at the main page, simply move your mouse to "Shopping" on the main menu and you will see four options appear. These four main sections of the store make navigation a breeze. The Tar Valon merchandise store carries anything and everything related to TarValon.Net. The books section, besides having that brand new copy of The Eye of The World to replace your old dog-eared one, carries numerous other novels by Robert Jordan, as well as books recommended by the Tar Valon membership. Did you know there was a soundtrack for the Wheel of Time? You can buy it, among with other recommended CDs at the music section, and a stop in the movies department never hurts either. Completing your purchase from the Tar Valon store is simple and painless. Merely click on the item you wish to buy and you're taken through a link to the Tower's store on Add the item to your cart and keep shopping or check out. You make your payment securely through PayPal and a percentage goes to our beloved home.
What's PayPal you ask? PayPal is the simple and painless way of making secure credit card payments online. Merely supply a valid credit card number and your email, create a password and you're set! All you have to do now is supply your password whenever paying. Are you still reading this article? What are you waiting for, Christmas is coming! Visit the Tar Valon Store today!
Member of the Month by Leilwyn al'Raen
This month we want to showcase a new format for our Member of the Month pages. A main index will now take you to any past member of the month about whom you would like to find out. We will continue our regular Member of the Month profiles next month.
Fall Ball 2004, Albuquerque, New Mexico by Rhed al'Tere