Nyein Kalede

From Tar Valon Library
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Author: Atarah al'Norahn


The full name was not recorded in the main series, but was given in the Wheel of Time Companion. Other information about the character is also included in the Companion, but we did not use it in the TarValon.Net Library.

Nyein Kalede is an Atha'an Miere Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is one of only three current Aes Sedai who have come from the Sea Folk. The other two are Aiden and Zemaille (CoT, Ch. 21). Aiden and Nyein were likely Aes Sedai during the Aiel War, since, as an Accepted, Moiraine thinks to herself that there are four Sea Folk Aes Sedai, two of them very old; Zemaille was still an Accepted, so it is likely that Nyein and Aiden were the younger of the four and that the older two have died (NS, Ch. 3).

All three of the Atha’an Miere Aes Sedai are weak in the One Power (WH, Ch. 11).

All three of the Sea Folk Aes Sedai work in the library. They have rooms on the upper levels, and willingly immerse themselves in their labors in the library. They are seldom seen (CoT, Ch. 21).