Pritalle Nerbaijan
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Author: Estyrien al'Halien
Pritalle Nerbaijan is an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah. She sided with the White Tower Aes Sedai when the Tower split (CoT, Prologue).
She has tilted green eyes and has escaped the Saldaean nose (CoT, Prologue; KoD, Ch. 24).
- 978 NE: Pritalle is an Accepted. She leaves the Tower to collect the names of newborn babes for the bounty (NS, Ch. 4).
- 1000 NE: Pritalle walks through the Tower with Atuan (CoT, Prologue).
- 1000 NE: Pritalle is involved in Egwene's capture in Southharbor (KoD, Prologue).
- 1000 NE: Pritalle gives Egwene a lesson on the limits of power. Egwene plants a seed of doubt into her mind about Elaida's suitability for the stole (KoD, Ch. 24).
- Pritalle is Saldaean (CoT, Prologue).
- Pritalle walked through the White Tower with Atuan Larisett, a Black sister. For that reason Yukiri thinks that the other Sitters should watch her (CoT, Prologue).
- Pritalle dislikes teaching novices and Accepted. She makes no attempt to hide her displeasure when she is forced to do so (KoD, Prologue).
- Pritalle has a Warder called Harril (KoD, Prologue).
- Pritalle's rooms look more like a Green's than a Yellow's. She has several swords and a tapestry of a battle against Trollocs (KoD, Ch. 24).