Sul'dam Character List

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Alwhin: Suroth’s Voice of the Blood. She was a sul’dam prior to attaining this position. When she learned that sul’dam could channel, Suroth raised her to the position of so’jhin to keep her quiet. She was murdered by Liandrin.

Bethamin Zeami: One of the sul’dam forced to aid Mat in escaping Ebou Dar. She knows that sul’dam can learn to channel. She is being taught how to channel by the Aes Sedai with Mat.

Catrona: One of Tuon’s sul’dam.

Essonde: A der’sul’dam. She is in charge of the sul’dam and damane at the Tarasin Palace.

Falendre: One of the sul’dam taken by Semirhage to her meeting with Rand.

Ianelle: One of Tuon’s sul’dam.

Iona: A sul’dam in Ebou Dar.

Lisaine Jarath: A der’sul’dam who is with Kennar Miraj.

Marli: A sul’dam who is captured by Rand’s forces and sent to Elayne in Caemlyn.

Melitene: Tuon’s der’sul’dam.

Mulaen: A sul’dam in Falme.

Nerith: A sul’dam in Assid Bakuun’s camp. She is captured by Rand’s forces and sent to Elayne in Caemlyn.

Renna Emain: One of the sul’dam forced to aid Mat in escaping Ebou Dar. She knows that sul’dam can learn to channel. She attempts to run away, and so Harnan shoots her with an arrow to keep her from revealing their whereabouts.

Seta Zarbey: One of the sul’dam forced to aid Mat in escaping Ebou Dar. She knows that sul’dam can learn to channel. She is being taught how to channel by the Aes Sedai with Mat.

Surela: A sul’dam who is with Suroth on the isle of Cantorin.

Surine: A sul’dam who deserts the Seanchan after Falme.

Taisa: A sul’dam who is with Suroth on the isle of Cantorin.