The Eye of the World (Brief Plot Summary)
A group of simple village folk, Rand, Mat, Perrin, Egwene and Nynaeve are forced to leave their village when Shadowspawn attack. Egwene and Nynaeve learn they can become Aes Sedai, Perrin learns that he can talk to wolves, Mat comes into possession of a 'cursed' dagger, and Rand learns he can channel. They discover the seals on the Dark One's prison are weakening and that the Forsaken are escaping, killing two of them. They also come into possession of the legendary Horn of Valere.
Several of the subplots of the main series feature in this book:
- The weather
- The Forsaken
- The Aiel
- Tarmon Gai'don
For a list of all characters who appear or are mentioned in The Eye of the World, see the The Eye of the World Character List
For a longer summary of the book, see the The Eye of the World: Plot Summary
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