Word of the Day: October 2015
From Tar Valon Library
Author: Zandera Sommers
A spooky experience awaits you for the October 2015 Word of the Day!
Have a very merry Shaoman and frightening All Hallow's Eve. The traditional All Hallows' Day is known by many names, including All Souls' Day, All Saints' Day or Hallowmas. Most of us know this holiday as November 1st, the day after an arguably more famous, bone-chilling holiday. Depending on where you live, October 31st may be a day filled with scares, celebration, or both. Some call it All Hallows' Eve, or just Halloween, but no matter what you call it, enjoy TarValon.Net's celebration of this time of year, with our very own celebration of Shaoman and the glorious festivities it entails.
Words for October
- October 1st: Cackle - verb - "to utter a shrill, broken cry"
- October 2nd: Cadaver - noun - a dead body, especially a dissected human body"
- October 3rd: Poltergeist - noun - "a ghost or spirit suppoed to manifest its presence by noise"
- October 4th: Apparition - noun - "a transparent, ghostly figure"
- October 5th: Casket - noun - "a container for a dead body, generally made of wood and lined with silk, typically has a hinged lid"
- October 6th: Mausoleum - noun - "an ornate stone cemetery building, built to house the coffins of members of the same family"
- October 7th: Jack O'Lantern - noun - "a lantern carved from a pumpkin with a candle inside"
- October 8th: Wicca - noun - "an ancient religion practiced by witches"
- October 9th: Macabre - adjective - "eerie, deathlike; preoccupied with death"
- October 10th: Haunted - adjective - "inhabited or frequented by ghosts"
- October 11th: Miscreate - verb - "to create something deformed"
- October 12th: Grotesque - adjective - "odd or unnatural in shape, appearance, or character; fantastically ugly or absurd; bizarre"
- October 13th: Necromancer - noun - "a method of divination through alleged communication with the dead; black art"
- October 14th: Occult - adjective - "relating to magic or any system claiming use of secret or supernatural powers or agencies"
- October 15th: Sibyl - noun - "a female prophet or witch"
- October 16th: Clairvoyant - adjective - "claiming the power of seeing objects or actions beyond the range of natural vision"
- October 17th: Psychic - noun - "a person who is allegedly sensitive to psychic influences or forces; a medium"
- October 18th: Calamity - noun - "a grievous affliction; misery; a great misfortune or disaster, such as a flood or serious injury"
- October 19th: Malevolent - adjective - "evil; wishing harm to another or others"
- October 20th: Repugnant - adjective - "distasteful; offensive, such as a smell"
- October 21st: Enchantress - noun - "a woman who practices magic; sorceress; an irresistibly charming or fascinating woman"
- October 22nd: Necropolis - noun - "a cemetery of especially large size, usually of an ancient or prehistoric city"
- October 23rd: Exanimate - adjective - "inanimate or lifeless; spiritless"
- October 24th: Noxious - adjective - "harmful or injurious to health or physical well-being"
- October 25th: Shaoman - noun - "an online festival on TarValon.Net in late October and/or early November where members may change their avatars and celebrate in a limited-time appearing FaireGrounds Forum"
- October 26th: Hallowing - "verb" - to make holy; sanctify; consecrate"
- October 27th: Hellish - adjective - "devilishly bad; miserable; infernal; vile; horrible"
- October 28th: Day of the Dead - noun - "an annual celebration to honor the spirits of the dead, observed in Mexico and other Latin American countries on November 1st and 2nd"
- October 29th: Pernicious - adjective - "hurtful; deadly; fatal; causing harm or ruin"
- October 30th: Zombie - "the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and will-less, by a supernatural force, usually for some evil purpose"
- October 31st: Apocalypse - noun - "any revelation or prophecy; any universal or widespread destruction or disaster"