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Marivea is the {{Head}} of the {{gray2}}. She is a college student with an undeclared major, and loves extreme sports above most other things in life, except life itself, and possibly Nutella.
Marivea is the Head Clerk of the {{gray2}}. She is a college student with an undeclared major, and loves extreme sports above most other things in life, except life itself, and possibly Nutella.
==Tower History==
==Tower History==
*Joined {{TV}}: February 5, 2009
*Joined {{TV}}: February 5, 2009

Revision as of 00:05, 3 May 2013

Marivea Mulan 2.jpg
Marivea al'Corriyi
Real Name Sarah
Location Washington, USA
Birthday December 30th
TarValon.Net Information
Affiliation Gray Ajah
Rank Aes Sedai
Title Head of the Gray Ajah
Join Date February 5, 2009
Bonded to -
Link to Forum Profile

Marivea is the Head Clerk of the Gray Ajah. She is a college student with an undeclared major, and loves extreme sports above most other things in life, except life itself, and possibly Nutella.

Tower History

Previous Avatars

Tower Involvement




Other Recognition





Staff Merit Gold 300.png


Membership Merit Silver 300.png

Tower Relationships




Gray Ajah

  • Donkey

Gray Guide

Other Tower Relationships

Notable Anecdotes

  • Is in Urban Dictionary: Define 'Marivea'.
  • Registered IRC nick is 'Marivea'.
  • Former Rhyagelle Roommate

Official Event Attendance

  • n/a

Senior Member Interview

Marivea al'Corriyi, Senior Member Interview, November 14th 2011

Ajah Questions
  • Why did you choose Gray?

Gray was the place on the site where I never felt like I had to pretend to be accepted. Where I’ve felt like a member of the Ajah from the first day I Guested.

  • Are you like the Grays in the books? Do you enjoy following politics and mediating disputes?

I have strong political beliefs, but I’m not very political. Arguing with people about obscure and random points isn’t my idea of fun, generally speaking. I usually do end up being some sort of mediator in a lot of situations, which I didn’t realize until fairly recently just how Gray I can tend to be in real life!

  • Do you have a favorite Gray Ajah character from the novels?

The Grays in the books are fairly hidden throughout the series. I’ve always felt sorry for Meidani and liked Yukiri, though.

Book Questions
  • How long have you been a fan of the Wheel of Time series?

I first read the series in August 2008.

  • How did you first get into the series?

My younger sister (she’s a member of the site now, too.) and I were at the library and she brought me this gigantic book and asked me to check it out for her since she’d forgotten her card. I didn’t want to, since it was huge, and we were on our bikes, but I did. It was The Eye of the World. I read it once I finished my own books, and was hooked. Amusingly, she didn’t have time to read it then and didn’t start the series for a few more months.

  • Who is your favorite "hero"?

I’ll have to say Mat! He’s the one main character who hasn’t annoyed me excessively throughout a significant part of the series. Plus he’s totally BA. He and Tuon are also my favorite couple, mainly because they are so hilarious, and honest with each other.

  • Favorite bad guy/gal?

To me Halima is the most entertaining bad guy to read about.

  • Favorite book and scene?

When Nynaeve learns to Heal madness in the Asha’man in the Two Towers and she tries to Heal Rand also.

  • If you were set down in Randland, who/what would you see yourself as? An Aes Sedai? Innkeeper? Seanchan Captain?

I really have an extensive plan for what I would do in what order if I were in Randland. First I would head straight to the Waste and train as a Maiden, move to being a Wise One Apprentice, then go to the Sea Folk and apprentice to the Windmistress. After this, I would go to the White Tower to train up to Aes Sedai. I'm really not sure which Ajah I would join--it would likely depend on how I got along with the Aes Sedai of each. The only Ajah I know that I would not join for sure is the Red Ajah.

General Questions
  • How did you find TarValon.Net and what convinced you to stay and become a Senior Member?

I was googling Wheel of Time and reading about the author, and found a link to TarValon.Net. I read the mission statement and the bylaws and decided to join. Initially I joined to talk about the series, but I stayed because of the community, and how much richer my own life is for serving in it, and finding my Sisters.

  • What do you do in "real life"?

Currently I’m a student. I’ve worked several jobs just in the last year, my favorite being conservation work with a trail crew. I’d like to do that kind of work again.

  • Do you have any hobbies?

Crocheting, mountain biking, reading, criticizing movies based on books...

  • What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

Almost anything with good lyrics and beat. I heard my first Skrillex song a few days ago! Some artists I’m fond of are Mumford and Sons, Death Cab for Cutie, Tame Impalas, Peter Paul and Mary, Mumford and Sons, Simon and Garfunkel, Tobasco Donkeys, Enya, Plain White T’s, Blitzen Trapper, Cage The Elephant...more, much more.

  • What are some of your favorite movies / television shows?

TV Shows: That 70’s Show, Castle, Sherlock Holmes (BBC series), That 70's Show, Dark Angel, Firefly, and anything Star Trek except Deep Space Nine. Movies: Inception, Avengers, Thor, The Amazing Spiderman, The Men Who Stare At Goats...

  • Aside from The Wheel of Time, what are a few of your favorite books/series?

Dune, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Ender’s Game, The Chronicles of Narnia, Atlas Shrugged

  • What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?

Cowgirl, nurse, pilot, astronaut..I’m still holding out for Captain of the Starship Enterprise. ;)

Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah