Brown Bulletin April 2018

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Editor: Yarrow Al'Vare

April Brown Bulletin: The Grumpy Cat Edition​

Welcome to the April edition of the Brown Bulletin! In a completely unilateral and utterly arbitrary decision, the Mind has decided that this will be the Grumpy Cat edition. Try to contain your excitement.

I know you are all overjoyed that a new edition of the BB has finally arrived. Every month, waits with baited breath for the beloved newsletter to make its way from the Brown chambers…

So, without further ado, here we go!


We have three April babies in Brown. Happy birthday!

Brown Outs Ahead

~ I check out a DVD from the library yesterday. People, I don’t own a DVD player and my computer doesn’t have a spot for a DVD. :look ~

~ On Saturdays I work double shift. So at the end of a double my fried body and brain is prone to brown outs. Today I had 2 patients in one room and for a moment I stared at the patient in B bed and completely 100% thought I had never seen this woman all afternoon. I thought OMG has she been laying there sleeping this whole time?! How did I miss her? Did I feed her dinner? Did I provide care at all? I rushed put of the room to at the very least grab some supplies to wash her up and put her in a fresh night gown before my shift was up. Only to realise as I am in the middle of pulling off her blanket and find her to be totally clean, dry, and freshly ready for bed that of course I did not actually miss an entire patient. She was fine. I had already cared for her... I was still very wth :blink face as I quietly and gently put her blankets back on and removed my supplies I uselessly gathered. Luckily I did not even disturb her rest. ~

~ When I was getting a ride back from dance a couple weeks ago, I left my umbrella in the person’s car. I forgot to get it back until yesterday. That's the second time this month I've misplaced my umbrella.~

Very Important Question Time

A debate recently occurred in Brown over the proper way to eat pizza. Should it be eaten with your hands, or should you use a knife and fork? Wait, people eat pizza with a knife and fork? :blink

Poll: How do you eat pizza?
Knife and fork – 11.8%
With your hands – 88.2%

Some considered eating pizza with a knife and fork to be a mark of civilized behaviour, while others considered it to be just plain weird. We Browns are curious. How do you eat pizza?

That’s all for now. Thanks for reading!
Signing off,
The Brown Mind.

Nope. Really. That’s it.