The Shadow Rising: Chapter 12

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Tanchico or the Tower

Author: Inanna Landred

Characters: Elayne, Egwene, Aviendha, Nynaeve, Moiraine

Setting: The Stone of Tear.

Point of view: Egwene

The women finally manage to wake Egwene up from her trip to Tel'aran'rhiod and Egwene tells them of meeting Amys and her orders to go to Cold Rocks Hold. Egwene asks Aviendha if she knows Amys and Cold Rocks Hold. From Aviendha they learn that Amys was Far Dareis Mai before she became a Dreamwalker and Wise One. Aviendha briefly explains about Aiel relationships and that Amys is Sister-wife to Lian, who is Aviendha's Sister-Mother.

The girls are shocked when they hear about the Aiel customer for women marrying the same man. Egwene tells them what Amys said about there being evil in Tanchico. They decide it would be best for Egwene to go to Amys and learn as much as she can about Tel'aran'rhiod even though it means leaving Elayne and Nyneaaeve behind to look for the Black Ajah.

At this point Moiraine enters the room to inform them about Joiya's and Amico's killing during the attack on the Stone. She describes the gruesome way they were killed and it makes the women sick to their stomachs. They wonder why they were killed and by whom. Moiraine says the guards never saw anyone come down to the dungeons, so it seems the Shadow has more resources than they know.

When they tell her of Egwene's plans to go to the Waste, Aviendha remarks she would rather stay with Elayne and Nynaeve to go to Tanchico.

The women are very surprised at Aviendha's refusal to go with Egwene and Aviendha is indeed behaving very strangely. She almost seems to be sulking.

At this point Moiraine produces a letter from the Wises One's stating that Aviendha is to come to then at Rhuidean. Aviendha's behaviour becomes even stranger as she proclaims she is Far Dareis Mai and does not go running at everyone's beck and call. Aviendha balks and storms out the room, while the others are left behind in wonder. Egwene wonders why the Wise One's want with Aviendha. They finally settle down to prepare for their trips to the Waste and Tanchico. Moiraine tells them there is a Atha'an Miere ship at the docks that they can take to Tanchico.

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