Elays Saeryn
Elays Saeryn | ||
Real Name | Elisabeth | |
Location | Indiana, USA | |
Birthday | February 18 | |
TarValon.Net Information | ||
Affiliation | Gray Ajah | |
Rank | Aes Sedai | |
Title | ||
Join Date | April 13, 2006 | |
Bonded to | ||
Link to Forum Profile |
Elays Saeryn is an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.
Tower History
- Joined TarValon.Net: April 13, 2006
- Joined Tower: October 29, 2006
- Raised Accepted: March 20, 2007
- Aspired to the Gray Ajah: January 13, 2008
- Raised Aes Sedai: June 22, 2008
Tower Involvement
- Heart of the Gray Ajah:
- January 1, 2013 - June 30, 2013
- July 26, 2011 - December 31, 2011
- Sitter for the Gray Ajah:
Other Recognition
- The Deanna Award - Annual Gray Ajah Awards - 2013
- The Party Award (aka Person you would love to meet/loved meeting) - Annual Gray Ajah Awards - 2012
- The Gray Guidance Award - Annual Gray Ajah Awards - 2011
- Most Optimistic - Annual Gray Ajah Awards - 2009
Tower Relationships
- Mentor
- Alessandra Estelle, Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah
- Mentees
Gray Ajah
- Graytling
- Gray Guide
- Graytlings
Other Tower Relationships
Official Event Attendance
- Anniversary Party 2011 - Charleston, South Carolina, USA
- Fall Ball 2014 - St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
Tower Sworn Interview
October 1, 2011
- Why did you choose Gray?
I felt really comfortable being in this Ajah. It fits well with my personality and It feels like home
- Are you like the Grays in the Books?
hmm.. I would consider myself a book white. I strive to let my logic rain. However in Rl I am in constant situations that require .. finesse and a way to mediate or present things in a specific way. I have come to the conclusion that had I been in the books I would have also started as White and ended aspiring in Gray
- Do you love politics and do you like to discuss a lot?
No. I have decided I am alergic to them. They make people that I would otherwise like become un-likable.
- How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?
Good and fun. Met a lot of good people and did fun things
- How long have you been a member of TV.net?
Since 2006.
- What things do you do for TV.net?
I used to be in the innkeepers guild. I am now participating at the tarvalon cook book thing. I like to post in the tavern and the Gray areas. I have been in the Hall and I am now a Heart
- How did you get to read the Series?
This was one of the few good contributions that my soon to be ex did in the marriage. We were looking for a new book to read. One of his friends suggested WOT
- Who is your mentee, if you have one?
Not at the moment since most of my free time is spent studying for a big tests
- Who is your favorite character of the Series?
I relly like Nyaneve Favorite Nation? Cairhien
- Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions?
Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?) I attended a gray party and anni 2011. I had a great time at both events. I met great people and did great things It was wonderful. I would highly recomend that to any member
- What kind of music do you like?
Anything expect offensive rap and mariachi music.
- What job do you have?
- Do you have a pet?
- What languages do you speak?
I speak english, greek, bad french, and even worse spanish
- What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
Ballerina, actress, ...
- Lanfear or Moghedien?
- Seanchan or Shara?
- Candles or lamps?
- Party or lounging at home?
Both plz
- A short bio about yourself.