Becoming an Accepted/Soldier at TarValon.Net
Author: Dar'Jen Ab Owain
Published: January 27 2020 Tar Valon Times Blog
As I am contemplating submitting my application to pursue becoming an Accepted here on TarValon.Net, I thought it would be a good idea to ask those who have already obtained that level. As I gained some insight into the perks and expectations of the role, I thought I would share my findings.
Q: What do you like most about being Accepted/Soldier? Any perks?
Guesting with the Ajahs and the Companies has been a lot of fun!
-Ignis al’Caleum (Accepted)-
I liked the guesting process the most, and getting familiar with more of the Senior Members. Also, regaining access to the City forums and gaining access to new forums. It really opens up a whole new world of interaction.
-Owena al’Saturni (Accepted)-
I like access to more places on the forum to be annoying. It is also a perk.
-Thaddius al’Guy (Soldier)-
Honestly, the biggest perk about being an Accepted/Soldier is the ability to visit the different Ajahs and Companies. A real chance to explore the Tower.
-Lok Enkee (Soldier)-
The best part is being able to visit each Senior Member group in their space and meet some members that don’t get out into the wild very often. It’s fun getting to better know the vibe of a group. I never understood that until I was guesting.
-Dreia Raieese (Soldier)-
You get the opportunity to meet and interact with every group if you want. While you do get to see people all around, there’s a lot of people that post mostly in Ajah/Company specific parts of the boards who you wouldn’t get to know as well otherwise without the guesting process. Plus finding where you fit in is a fun experience.
-Madhar al’Thera (Soldier)-
I like the feeling of more responsibility. Guesting is definitely a perk.
-Juliya Karisu (Accepted)-
Q: Is being Accepted/Soldier what you expected it would be when you were a Novice/Recruit? Why or why not?
I think it has been. In many ways it is similar [to being a Novice/Recruit], but more is expected of you.
-Ignis al’Caleum (Accepted)-
I have read the Membership Manual pretty well and knew what to expect. Although, one thing I didn’t anticipate was how exciting it would be to finally find your home and aspire. How happy I was totally caught me off guard.
-Owena al’Saturni (Accepted)-
It’s a bit more freedom. As a Novice/Recruit, I lost access to the Olde Warder and Hen and that’s where I posted a lot. I missed that place while I was in the Tower for the requisite amount of time.
-Thaddius al’Guy (Soldier)-
Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect, so I can’t really say one way or another.
-Lok Enkee (Soldier)-
It kind of is what I expected. From reading other people’s posts and going through the process with some other people at the same time, it helped clarify the process a lot. Being a Novice/Recruit was different than what I had anticipated, but being Accepted/Soldier was kind of what I expected. It’s fun getting to know everyone in a different way. Particularly since I tend to be Lurky McLurker.
-Dreia Raieese (Soldier)-
It’s mostly what I expected.
-Madhar al’Thera (Soldier)-
I wasn’t sure what to expect but I feel it is a bit different than I thought–I found guesting a little intimidating, but it was also nice to visit everyone and see what all the Ajahs and Companies are like.
-Juliya Karisu (Accepted)-
Q: What advice would you give to a Novice/Recruit who wants to become an Accepted/Soldier? Any warnings, or ways to prepare?
You’ll know when you are ready to move on. I’d also recommend taking the practice test in the Junior Member Support thread. I’m only halfway through my guesting process, but I’d recommend going as many places as possible. Not only do you get to know new people, but you might be surprised at where you feel like you may fit in.
-Ignis al’Caleum (Accepted)-
I would say to take your time with it when you become an Accepted/Soldier. When you’re guesting, visit in the Ajah/Company for a while to get the gist of what they are really like. If the activity level seems low in the Ajah/Company that you are guesting with, they might just be going through an unusually slow period. Replying to a thread or posting a new thread might be helpful in getting interaction going.
-Owena al’Saturni (Accepted)-
Have fun with it, get to know Senior Members better. Participate in events and threads as much as you can.
-Thaddius al’Guy (Soldier)-
Don’t feel pressured to pick a place to aspire right away. Take your time. After all, it’s going to be your home. Even if it takes you several years.
-Lok Enkee (Soldier)-
Nope! Just take it as it comes. Book canon doesn’t exactly hold true with site membership groups. That’s part of the fun.
-Dreia Raieese (Soldier)-
Talk to as many people and get as involved as you want for the best experience.
-Madhar al’Thera (Soldier)-
Take your time as Novice/Recruit and as Accepted/Soldier to get to know people and enjoy being a Junior Member. Do research in the Library about Ajahs and Companies before guesting there.
-Juliya Karisu (Accepted)-
Q: What is the role of an Accepted/Soldier within The Tower? What are your tasks or responsibilities?
At this point, I’m getting to know more people in the Tower, but there is more involved. I’m beginning to think of ideas for a community contribution, which will be a part of getting to Senior Membership.
-Ignis al’Caleum (Accepted)-
One of the roles of an Accepted/Soldier is to be a role model for the Novice/Recruits. You can really do this through contributions. Contributions are not only a good way to inspire more Junior Members, but it helps keep the site running. TarValon.Net is such an important site to all of us, and contributing to its success is an important goal.
-Owena al’Saturni (Accepted)-
To contribute and guest with Companies and Ajahs. Do something to give back to the boards. Sign up to give classes, apply to moderate forums, help edit in the Library, things like that.
-Thaddius al’Guy (Soldier)-
Well, we’re expected to get a real feel for the Tower, as well as to start really contributing to the site as a whole.
-Lok Enkee (Soldier)-
I guess it’s to keep interacting with the site, and show that you’re interested. Whether that’s through helping out with a course, writing an article, joining a committee or what have you, it’s being present. Which as a reformed lurker, is quite nice.
-Dreia Raieese (Soldier)-
I think the role of Accepted and Soldiers is to find where you fit in and really start to contribute in meaningful ways to the boards and community as a whole.
-Madhar al’Thera (Soldier)-
An Accepted/Soldier is supposed to be a little more serious than Novices/Recruits, but we still can have a lot of fun. They are expected to take on a little more responsibility–and there are all kinds of ways to do this. I am currently a forum moderator, which was eye-opening.
-Juliya Karisu (Accepted)-
Q: Any final words?
Honestly–have fun!
-Ignis al’Caleum (Accepted)-
Patience. Enjoy the journey to gaining the rank of Aes Sedai/Gaidin.
-Owena al’Saturni (Accepted)-
Don’t be like me and take on too many responsibilities, burning yourself out. Take your time and enjoy yourself.
-Thaddius al’Guy (Soldier)-
You’re no longer a cute little Novice/Recruit, nor do you have the power and authority of an Aes Sedai/Warder. This is the awkward teenage period in the Tower. Prepare yourself.
-Lok Enkee (Soldier)-
I think it’s worth it to move into Novice/Recruit then Accepted/Soldier. It’s fun getting to know people in a different way.
-Dreia Raieese (Soldier)-
Have fun. If you feel overwhelmed, just remember we all have at least one thing in common, which is a love for The Wheel of Time, so don’t be afraid to jump into conversations and join in.
-Madhar al’Thera (Soldier)-
I love being Accepted! I loved my time as Novice, too. I think it is great that has a system set up where we can experience these things. I don’t feel impatient to become Aes Sedai because I am enjoying my time in all stages.
-Juliya Karisu (Accepted)-
It was wonderful to find such a varied group willing to answer my questions–men and women pursuing the ultimate path of Aes Sedai and Gaidin. Read the Membership Manual to know the expectations, and then enjoy the process. I am definitely looking forward to the chance to guest with the Ajahs and Companies so that I can meet folks and learn about each group. It is during this period of exploration that we will determine where we will eventually call home. As Accepted or Soldier we will be encouraged to become more “mature” and make more contributions to the site and the community. As we are striving to be “servants of all” as Aes Sedai or Gaidin, it is a good time to learn ways to go about this.
I want to offer a special thank you to those willing to be interviewed: (Accepted) Ignis al'Caleum, Owena al'Saturni, and Juliya Karisu and (Soldiers) Thaddius al'Guy, Lok Enkee, Dreia Raieese, and Madhar al'Thera. Their insight has made me more confident in my decision to submit my application for Accepted/Soldier. If you choose this path as well, I hope their words have helped you prepare for that portion of your journey.