NaNoWriMo 2020
Author: Adina al'Mari
Published: November 9 2020 Tar Valon Times Blog
Ready, Set, Write!
Ah, November, otherwise known as NaNoWriMo, the month that strikes an equal combination of fear and joy in the heart of a writer. So many questions abound, so many plot paths to pursue. Am I a “Planner,” well prepared in advance? Or am I a “Pantster,” letting my fingers fly as my unknown to me story flows out of my flashing fingers. Oh how I ever wish I was a Planner, but considering that it is 10:30pm on November 1st, and I am writing this instead of a well plotted out scene should tell you the answer to that question!
To learn more about NaNoWriMo, check out their website. In short they are a 501(c)(3) group focused on promoting the creation of new literary works. This is their twenty first year hosting thousands of writers from around the globe and challenging them to write, write, write! The “official” challenge is to write 50,000 words in the month of November, but participants are encouraged to set their own goals. Mine, for example, is to write for at least thirty minutes a day, every day. It would be amazing to get a story from that, but I am more interested in simply getting back into a good habit of daily writing again. Hopefully after coming to the table and writing every day for thirty days it will stick.
Several of our TarValon.Net members have been active participants and winners over the years. Please feel free to join us in the planning thread started by Cahalan Sothron in the Fine Arts & Literary Pursuits forum. We will also have a special Discord channel available to us on the TarValon.Net Discord. If you are interested in joining a group on the NaNoWriMo website itself, please send a request to BlueDina (I am so very creative with my user name, ha!) This group is limited to 20 members, per their site restrictions, so please only join if you actually intend to participate on their site.
Here is a small badge edited for you to wear to show your commitment to NaNoWriMo!
If you decide to participate, at any level, we hope you come up with something you love, and that you are able to meet the goals you set for yourself. Once the month is over, come tell us about your goals, and what you created.
Now, stop reading, and go write!!!