TVT Bio Dar'Jen Ab Owain

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Dar'Jen Ab Owain
Tar Valon Times Staff
Since October 14, 2019
Link to Who's Who


Dar'Jen Ab Owain joined the Tar Valon Times as a reporter on October 14, 2019. Her first article examined the Citizens of Tar Valon in "Insight into Citizens" published December 30, 2019. Since then she has written numerous articles. She examined the journey to becoming an Accepted or Soldier at TarValon.Net, taught the TVT readers about Healing Herbs, and documented the Val’Cueran Walking Challenge. She is interested in the TarValon.Net community and hopes to write pieces soon that will detail the clothing styles of the various cultures within The Wheel of Time series.

Reporter Merits

Reporter Merit Silver 300.png

Published Work

All published works link to the Tar Valon Times Blog and TVT Archive.