TarValon.Net's December 2021 Recap - Bonus Edition
Author: Adina al'Mari
Published: January 28, 2022 - Tar Valon Times Blog Link
Greetings my fellow Tar Valonians!
I am in complete denial that 2022 is next week, how about you?! Our weather has been unseasonably wet and cold in this part of California, so between that and our ceaseless covid restrictions, its hard to make concrete memories because we’re not going out and doing things like we would have in the “before times.” We have been playing a lot of D&D and other board games, watching the ever growing list of good wintery films, and eating far too many cookies. I miss being with friends and family terribly, but I’m not gonna lie that a part of me doesn’t miss the stress of house cleaning, traffic, and socializing too much at events.
Here’s our month in review:
News of Note
Serinia Edoras has chosen to retire from her position as Amyrlin Seat. No information has been shared yet about hiring a replacement or what, if any, changes will be made to the role. We recognize and thank you Mother for all your hard work during these unprecedented times. Also, happy birthday month! Best wishes to you in your retirement.
Special Events:
Our 2021 Feast of Lights activity is shared in General. It is never too late to light your candle.
Raised to the rank of Aes Sedai this month we welcome Rhianna to the Brown, Nebka to the Red, Ahmyra to the Green.
New Hires:
Congratulations to our new Chief Operating Officer/Keeper- Erin al’Danael, and our new Chief Membership Officer/Cordamora (“Heart of the People” in the Old Tongue) Morrighan Daghdera.
In other areas of the site, Tree is the HOA for the Green Ajah, Atane and Ajailyn are our new Headteachers, Siera will oversee all things social, with Ne'Mireth and Dreia assisting, and to wrap things up, Aintza and Kenith will continue in their roles as Game Masters. (Come play Mafia with us!!)
Job Openings:
The Mayor is looking for City Council Members. Applications are due by Dec. 31.
We are also in need of an Outreach Activities Coordinator. The position is open until Dec. 30, or until filled.
Discussions regarding raising requirements should be posted in your various membership groups. Please speak up by January 12th if you have ideas for our structure.
Bonus Time!! Here’s a month-to-month look at the highlights from 2021:
- (Well, really late Dec. 2020, but worth highlighting!) We’ve added a pronoun field in our profile section. Please select your favorites so we can address you accordingly
- We want your photos! Please sign our release if okay for us to include you in our collections
- Merits in January, part 1 and part 2
- An 8 day long Sa’lebration was hosted in honor of Sa’s 8 years as DoM. Many shenanigans were had, I am sure.
- Heroes of the Horn See and Sew event
- Our Robert Jordan scholarship opens for applications
- The 2020 Keeper Awards were announced. Congratulations to the awardees.
- Heroes of the Horn Spring Cleaning event
- More Merits!
- Same Path Bonding announced!! This was a decision decades in the making, and it makes me so, so happy that people can share a bond regardless of their honorifics.
- Keeper Mieriana shares her thanks to all of our volunteers and announces some changes to the forums
- Minimum age requirements for various membership levels are clarified
- Our first batch of Same Path Bonds are made official- check the announcements from June 1st!
- Robert Jordan Memorial scholarship winners are announced
- Third quarter Merits are released
- The Members Choice Awards process begins
- Our fundraiser begins, sending us on the hunt for Black Ajah.
- Nominations begin for Member’s Choice Awards
- Anni 2022 announced for November 11-14th, 2022 in Tennessee
- Dissolved Bond requests will be processed as needed, and will no longer be announced
- Melisande becomes the Chairperson of the Board
- Keeper Mieriana steps down and we begin our hunt for her replacement.
- Dralyn and Lireina retire from the board. Our site wouldn’t be what it is without these two people and the years of service they’ve given to the site.
- October Merits are shared, and a [https://www.tarvalon.net/index.php?threads/new-merit-virtual-events.46629/ new Merit for virtual events is announced
- We celebrate Shaoman in mixed teams, which ended up being quite a good time
- Voting begins for Members Choice Awards
- Members who wish to leave their user groups may do so at will, and no longer lose their rank or Bonds during their time as unaffiliated members. Like same path ponding, this is a huge step forward for us!
- We celebrate Anni online together, during which Amyrlin Awards and Members Choice award winners are announced
- The results of our Great Charity Hunt, started in 2020, are announced. It makes me proud to be a part of a community that take care of those around them!
- New logos for membership groups and departments
- Eleyan retires from the Board
- Some little fandom show becomes a number one hit on Amazon. Maybe you’ve heard of it?!
- The Board has decided to split the role of Keeper into two- one focused on operations, one focused on membership
- We welcome Alora, Calen, and Vivianna to the Board
- Our new Cordamora Morrighan and Keeper Erin are announced
- Serinia announces her departure as Amyrlin
TL;DR Lots of raisings, hirings, volunteerings, and merits shared. Same path bonding announced, wahoo! Demotees get to keep their rank and bonds, double wahoo! Retiring Board Members means new Board Members, a split to the role of Keeper occurs, so now we have a Cordamora too, our Amyrlin retires, and THE SHOW gets released, which causes much rejoicing and gnashing of teeth, and we’ve all made it though another year of nerdy friendship, triple wahoo!
Onward to 2022!
We here at the Tar Valon Times wish all of our members a very happy and healthy New Year. Thank you for making our little corner of the internet a pretty nifty place to hang out. Peace be with you friends!