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''Author: Atarah al'Norahn''
#REDIRECT [[Meidani_Eschede]]
Meidani is an [[Aes Sedai]] of the [[Gray Ajah]] who sides with the [[Salidar Aes Sedai]]. She is one of the Sisters sent to [[the White Tower]] to spread rumors about the [[Red Ajah]].
Meidani is tall and slender enough to look overbalanced by her bosom. She has dark golden hair ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).  Her lips are full and her throat is slim ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 25|KoD, Ch. 25]]). Her room has a set of mementos from disputes she helped settle ({{tgs|12}})
She has a Warder named [[Leonin]] ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).
* Meidani is an Accepted of the White Tower. She goes on the trips outside the Tower to take down names for the bounty ([[New Spring: Chapter 4|NS, Ch. 4]]).
* Meidani and nine others are sent by [[Sheriam]] and company to the White Tower to spread rumors about Logain and the Red Ajah. ([[A Crown of Swords: Chapter 8|ACoS, Ch. 8]]; [[The Path of Daggers: Chapter 26|TPoD, Ch. 26]]).
*Meidani and the other Salidar rebels within the White Tower are discovered and forced to swear oaths to obey Doesine, Pevara, Saerin, Seaine and Yukiri on the Oath Rod ([[The Path of Daggers: Chapter 26|TpoD, Ch. 26]]; [[Winter's Heart: Prologue|WH, Prologue]]; [[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).
* [[Yukiri]] and Meidani walk through the Tower. Meidani is given orders to renew her friendship with [[Elaida]] ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).  Meidani follows her orders and attempts to become friends with Elaida again ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 2|KoD, Ch.2]]).
*[[Beonin]] arrives at the White Tower and informs Elaida about the rebels who are spying within the Tower.  Elaida orders Tarna to have them watched.  She decides to invite Meidani to dine with her that night so that she can keep a close eye on her ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 2|KoD, Ch. 2]]).
*Beonin, displeased with Elaida, warns Meidani and Jennet that Elaida knows about them ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 24|KoD, Ch., 24]]).
*Meidani dines with Elaida most nights, and is often invited to visit during the day, as well.  So far, she has let no information regarding the rebels slip ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 25|KoD, Ch. 25]]).
*When Tarna brings the morning reports to Elaida, Meidani is visiting.  Tarna notes that she seems nervous and afraid of Elaida.  When Elaida dismisses her so that she can speak to Tarna alone, Meidani leaves eagerly ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 25|KoD, Ch. 25]]).
*She opens the door to Elaida's study for Egwene  ({{tgs|2}}).
*Meidani takes strength from Egwene telling her that her service is appreciated({{tgs|2}}).
*Ewgene demands to know why she has not fled and Meidani tells her she can't say. Egwene instead asks her if she can show her ({{tgs|12}}).
*Egwene shows Meidani Travelling ({{tgs|12}})
*She is surprised by how quickly she obey Egwene ({{tgs|12}})
*She takes Egwene to a meeting of the Black Ajah hunters ({{tgs|12}})
*Meidani nods when Egwene tells the others she accepts her as Amylrin ({{tgs|12}})
*Meidani visits and tells Egwene of the day's events ({{tgs|39}}).
*The Black Ajah hunters have removed the fourth oath ({{tgs|39}}).
Meidani has taken an oath on the oath rod to obey [[Pevara]], [[Seaine]], [[Saerin]], [[Doesine]] and Yukiri ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).
Yukiri thinks that Meidani is a jackdaw in swan's feathers, and that a rebel pretending loyalty is a disgusting thing ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).
Meidani and Elaida were pillow-friends over thirty years ago, when they were novices together. However, Elaida broke off this friendship when she was raised to Accepted ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]; [[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 25|KoD, Ch. 25]]).  Elaida is considering renewing their physical relationship in the hopes that Meidani will let information regarding the rebels slip.  Tarna notes that Meidani seems afraid of Elaida, and Elaida replies that this is the way she wants it to be.  She plans to have Meidani and the other rebels birched ([[Knife of Dreams: Chapter 25|KoD, Ch. 25]]).
Meidani and [[Bernaile Gelbarn]] are friends ([[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|CoT, Prologue]]).
"That was some years ago. [[Elaida]] very properly broke it off when she was raised Accepted. She might have been accused of favoritism if I were in a class she was given to teach." (Meidani to Yukiri about her friendship with Elaida; [[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|Crossroads of Twilight, Prologue]])
"I did try. Several times. The [[Keeper]]...[[Alviarin]] always put me off. The [[Amyrlin]] was busy, she had appointments, she needed rest. There was always some excuse. I think Elaida just doesn't want to take up a friendship she dropped more than thirty years ago." (Meidani to Yukiri about renewing her friendship with Elaida; [[Crossroads of Twilight: Prologue|Crossroads of Twilight, Prologue]])
"I may not seem it sometimes, but I am still Aes Sedai, ''girl'', you cannot order me" (To Egwene, {{tgs2|Chapter 2}}).
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Latest revision as of 15:14, 28 April 2017

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