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=='''Yellow News'''[[Image:Yellowcurl.png|baseline]]==
=='''Yellow News'''[[Image:Yellowcurl.png|baseline]]==
''July 11, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)<br>
We have a new Aspirant!!! Welcome home '''MIRIAMA'''!!<br>
[[Image:Miriama.jpg|85px]] <br> <br>
''July 9 , 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)<br>
''July 9 , 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)<br>
Aven has come back for another visit! YAY!<br><br>
Aven has come back for another visit! YAY!<br><br>

Revision as of 01:20, 12 July 2011

The Yellow Ajah at TarValon.net

The Yellow Ajah

Introduction to the Yellow AjahYellowcurl.png

Salutations!!!! The Yellow Ajah welcomes you to our Headquarters!!

In the world of Robert Jordan, the Yellow Ajah was dedicated to healing through the use of the One Power. Here on TarValon.net we are also dedicated to healing, although in different ways. Our paths to that dedication are as myriad as the women that make up this cozy and eclectic group. Our passionate nature allows us to include all who visit with us, especially our Gaidin, who we love and trust with our hearts and souls. They are our equals in our journey to serve all. We have among us, those trained in Western medical professions, those involved in alternative and complimentary modalities and a good number of women that are the rock in the storm and the shoulder to lean on for many.

Being a Yellow is about being a compassionate heart ready and willing to be there for another. We are dedicated to raising the hearts of others through our individual talents, skills, presence and love.

For many of us, being Yellow isn't just about healing. It's about having the passion to change things, to fix things that you can see are broken, and about standing by the Ajah even when you feel alone inside it, because there will always be someone there to lend a hand.

"All Ajahs are families, however Yellows pride themselves on really providing the love and close-knit relationships that make up real life families. They are always on the fore-front of any problem you may have, sending a helping hand, kind thoughts, advice, or just a hug if you need it. I've always admired anybody who does this in their day to day lives, and I've also been the person my friends or colleagues come to in times of need. So, really, I just saw a part of myself in the Ladies who had gathered under the banner of the Yellow Ajah." ~ Analaiya na'Imrath

"I would say “our” goals are to continue and always try to improve in the support to the members of TarValon as well as in the growth of our own Ajah and in ourselves." ~ Cimorene Traconnen

"I chose the Yellow Ajah because it fulfills a part of my life that is important to me. It has helped me to focus and define that portion of myself that always desires to reach out to others and the impetus I have to leave behind me seeds of healing, love and hope. My interests in herbs, nutrition and holistic philosophy is a part of my personal definition of being a Yellow." ~ Estalia Walburga

"Yellow sisters tend to be friendly women who enjoy the company of others and assisting in any way needed." ~ Caiti na Shaheen

"Yellow for me is a place I can be myself, or be anyone I feel like being, and know that there will always be someone to love me for doing just that." ~ Sa'areah Britthorn

Yellow Ajah PositionsYellowcurl.png

First Weaver: Sa'areah Britthorn
Heart: Nyavene al'Meer
Sitters: Niere al'Aman and Nyavene al'Meer

Yellow FellowsYellowcurl.png

Yellow Aes Sedai
Yellow Aspirants
Yellow Warders

Yellow NewsYellowcurl.png

July 11, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
We have a new Aspirant!!! Welcome home MIRIAMA!!

July 9 , 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Aven has come back for another visit! YAY!

July 1, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
We have two new Sitters! Congrats to Niere and Nyavene! Also, please congratulate Nyavene and Samrasin for being mods (again!) this term.

June 30, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Welcome to the Sitting Room Idine! We hope you enjoy your stay

June 28, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Welcome home Samarasin SEDAI!

May 29, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Two guests at once! Welcome Nymala and Avendaella!!

May 28, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Welcome to Yellow, Jenalla! We hope you have fun!

May 15, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
And another guest in our Sitting Room. Welcome to the fun Lauraine!!

May 10, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
When the one sun dropped, we gained two more! Congrats to our new Rays of Sunshine - Vallen and Samarasin!

May 9, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Welcome to the chocolatey craziness Miriama - we hope you enjoy your stay!!!

April 6, 2011 (by Nyavene al'Meer)
Oh yes - we let the Keeper go with a bang! You have been awesome Dralyn and will always be.

Older News

Get to know YellowYellowcurl.png

Positions within the Yellow Ajah
Raising dates of the Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah
Yellow Pages
Yellow Bits and Bobs
Yellow FAQ