Ajahs and Companies (TarValon.Net)

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Senior Members at TarValon.net can join one or four Companies or Seven Ajahs depending on their sex. The Ajahs are stongly based on the Ajahs in the books, though over time the differences between the World of the Wheel of Time and our world, and the personalities of the members have caused some divergence. The companies were created by TarValon.net, to represent attributes that individual gaidin might feel able to identify with.


There are seven Ajahs at Tarvalon.net, each based on the corresponding book Ajah. Each is headed by a Head of Ajah, in a position that currently rotates every eighteen months. Heads_of_Ajah


There are four companies at Tarvalon.net, each based on broadly drawn personality traits. Each is headed by a Company Commander, in a position that currently rotates every eighteen months