Algarin Pendaloan

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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn


Algarin of House Pendaloan is a lesser Lord of the Land in Tear. He is old and has a white pointed beard and a wrinkled face.

He was very close to his younger brother Emarin. After Emarin learned to channel, he was captured by Cadsuane and taken to Tar Valon to be gentled. Algarin is grateful for it, as his brother survived another ten years afterwards.

He wants to be tested for the ability to channel.

All of his living children are married and Algarin thinks that he might give his estates to one of them when it turns out that he can learn to channel.

(Reference: Crossroads of Twilight, Chapter 23)


  • He is far from wealthy, but always pays his debts (CoT, Ch. 23).
  • His servants are nearly as old as he, but they still keep the place clean and tend the forests well (CoT, Ch. 23; KoD, Ch. 19).
  • He owns the skin of a huge snake he claims comes from the Drowned Lands (CoT, Ch. 23).