Accepted Character List

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Author: Kyria d'Oreyn

Aisling Noon: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Green Ajah; she was originally a Tuatha'an.

Alanna Mosvani: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Green Ajah. She is originally from Arafel.

Aledrin: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses theWhite Ajah. She is originally from Tarabon.

Anemara: An Accepted aligned with the White Tower.

Angla: An Accepted (or probably a novice) aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Atuan Larisett: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses Yellow Ajah; she is also of the Black Ajah. She is originally from Tarabon.

Asseil: An Accepted aligned with the Tower. She was recently raised from novice in 'Knife of dreams.' She is originally from Tarabon.

Brendas: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the White Ajah.

Calindin: An Accepted aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is originally from Tarabon.

Carlinya: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the White Ajah.

Coladara: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised, but it is undetermined which Ajah she chose.

Desandre: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Yellow Ajah.

Echiko: An Accepted during Myrelle's novice time. She jumped to her death because she believed she had rediscovered the Talent to fly.

Edesina Azzedin: An Accepted in 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Yellow Ajah.

Egwene al'Vere: An Accepted, who was raised to the ring in 'The Dragon Reborn.' When she is Accepted, she goes off hunting the Black Ajah. She is raised to the Amyrlin Seat of the rebel Aes Sedai in 'Lord of Chaos.'

Elayne Trakand: An Accepted, who was raised to the ring in 'The Dragon Reborn.' When she is Accepted, she goes off hunting the Black Ajah. She is raised to the shawl by Egwene al'Vere in 'Lord of Chaos' and chooses the Green Ajah.

Elin Warrel: An Accepted in 'A Crown of Swords.' By Crossroads of Twilight, she is an Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah. She is originally from Andor.

Ellid Abareim: An Accepted during the Aiel War. She always wanted to be Green Ajah, but she vanishes during her test for the shawl.

Emara: An Accepted aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is originally from Illian.

Faolain Orande: An Accepted aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is raised to the shawl by Egwene al'Vere and chooses the Blue Ajah in 'Lord of Chaos.'

Idrelle Menford: An Accepted aligned with the White Tower.

Irella: An Accepted in the White Tower before it split, so it is unknown if she is aligned with the rebels with to Elaida's Aes Sedai, or if she is even still alive.

Katerine Alruddin: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Red Ajah; she is also of the Black Ajah.

Lanita: An Accepted (or probably a novice) aligned with the rebel camp.

Mair: An Accepted aligned with the White Tower. She was recently raised to Accepted in 'Knife of Dreams.' She is originally from Arafel.

Meidani: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Gray Ajah.

Moiraine Damodred: An Accepted at the beginning of 'New Spring.' She is later raised in the novel and chooses the Blue Ajah. She is originally from Cairhien.

Myrelle Berengari: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Green Ajah. She is originally from Ebou Dar, Altara.

Nynaeve al'Meara: An Accepted at the beginning of the series. She was never a novice, because of her great potential. She is raised to the shawl by Egwene al'Vere in 'Lord of Chaos' and chooses the Yellow Ajah.

Pritalle Nerbaijan: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Yellow Ajah. She is originally from Saldaea.

Ronelle: An Accepted aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai.

Sarene Nemdahl: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the White Ajah. She is originally from Tarabon.

Shemerin: She was an Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah, but Elaida demotes her to Accepted, causing her to run away.

Sheriam Bayanar: An Accepted in the beginning of 'New Spring.' Later in the novel, she takes her test for the shawl and chooses the Blue Ajah. She is originally from Saldaea.

Shimoku: An Accepted aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is originally from Kandor.

Siuan Sanche: An Accepted in the beginning of 'New Spring.' She is later raised in the novel and chooses the Blue Ajah. She is originally from Tear.

Sumeko Karistovan: An Accepted in the White Tower. She was put out when she failed her test for the shawl. She is now one of the Kin Elders.

Tarna Feir: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Red Ajah. She is originally from Altara.

Temaile Kinderode: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Gray Ajah; she is also of the Black Ajah. She is originally from Cairhien.

Theodrin Dabei: An Accepted aligned with the rebel Aes Sedai. She is raised to the shawl by Egwene al'Vere and chooses the Brown Ajah in 'Lord of Chaos.' She is originally from Arad Doman.

Verine: An Accepted in the White Tower. She is murdered by Fain in 'The Fires of Heaven'.

Zemaille: An Accepted during 'New Spring.' She is later raised and chooses the Brown Ajah. She is originally one of the Atha'an Miere.