Bel Tine 2021
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Bel Tine 2021 was held April 15 – 22. The theme of the freeweek this year was "New Beginnings".
5 events were run during Bel Tine 2021. 9 groups entered the Group theme contest and the winner was decided by a site-wide vote. The Spamathon was the most active event, one thread reaching almost 300 pages, not quite hitting the record set during Bel Tine 2020.
Introduction post - "Welcome to Bel Tine 2021!". Please expand to read more.
- Group Theme Contest
- Spamathon
- Brown Ajah: Recast that Role!
- Gray Ajah: Forces of Nature
- Green Ajah: Gotta Hatch 'Em All
- Red Ajah: Be the Diamond of the Season
- White Ajah: New Beginnings for Shelter Animals
- Yellow Ajah: Untitled Goose Game
- Dai M'Hael: Over at the Frankenstein Place
- Val'Cueran: Adopt a Wolf Pup!
- Novices, Recruits, Accepted and Soldiers: The Junior Member Garden
- Citizens: This is OUR Way - Mandalorian
- Spirit of Bel Tine: Arella Mathara, Linkelivar Miou'Mai, and Maibella ni Rhoiden t'al'Varrak
- Rock Star of Bel Tine: Aleita Taviah
- First place: Gray Ajah
- Second place: Citizen
- Spamathon MVP: Yenie Antagar