Eriana Avin
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Eriana Avin | ||
Real Name | ||
Location | Scotland, United Kingdom | |
Birthday | ||
TarValon.Net Information | ||
Affiliation | Gray Ajah | |
Rank | Aes Sedai | |
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Join Date | February 18, 2005 | |
Bonded to | ||
Link to Forum Profile |
Eriana Avin is an Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah.
Tower History
- Joined TarValon.Net: February 18, 2005
- Joined Tower: May 24, 2005
- Raised Accepted: October 6, 2005
- Raised Aes Sedai: November 3, 2006
Tower Involvement
Other Recognition
- The Gray Most Likely to Discover Travelling - Annual Gray Ajah Awards - 2008
Tower Relationships
- Mentor
- Adolla Ceryia, Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah
- Mentees
- A'tyende, former member
Gray Ajah
- Graytling
- Ewok
- Gray Guide
- Graytlings
Other Tower Relationships
Official Event Attendance
- Fall Ball 2012 - New York City, New York, USA
Tower Sworn Interview
January 29th 2008
- Why did you choose Gray?
I just found that I seemed to click with the Grays that I talked to around the Tower (for example, in the Hallways). They were all really nice to me and had a great sense of humor about them, and I felt (and still feel) that I fit in with them.
- Are you like the Grays in the Books?
I believe I'm somewhat like the Grays in the Books but not to a huge extent. I will sometimes mediate between friends, but I haven't had to do that very often. And I definately don't believe that I'm "cool and isolated" in the sense that the Grays of the Books have tended to seem :)
- Do you love politics and do you like to discuss a lot?
I am very opinionated when it comes to politics and will discuss them if given a chance. However, at times there are some things connected to politics that get me so infuriated that i don't want to think about them at all. I guess it really depends on the subject.
- How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?
My time as a JM was really fun. I had a great time getting to know the different Ajah's and my fellow Citizens/Novices/Accepted. Also, once I found my Ajah, I really started to find my own little home within the Tower.
- How did you get to read the Series?
I got into the series when a friend lent me The Eye of the World after attempting to explain the many plot lines to me and then realizing that the only way I would understand is if I read them myself.
- Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?
I would have to say that Mat is my favorite character becuase he is just so funny and just keeps going.
- Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)
No, but I hope to in the future because i have met a number of people from the Tower in Real Life and we always had a great time and i would love to be able to meet more people!
- What kind of music do you like?
Classical, Celtic, Movie Soundtracks, and a few other things that I can't really think of a name for.
- What are your favorite movies?
The original Star Wars trilogy, Pirates of the Caribbean (all 3), Boondock Saints, Batman Begins, Lord of the Rings, and many many more :)
- What job do you have?
Student!!! I'm a first-year at Smith College :)
- Do you have a pet?
I have a Golden Retriever named Mariah back home.
- What languages do you speak?
English, and I can read and write in Hebrew but I have no idea what I' reading or writing, and a little bit of Latin.
- What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
A Vet!
- Lanfear or Moghedien?
- Seanchan or Shara?
- Candles or lamps?
oooh, hard one, would depend on the mood :)
- Party or lounging at home?
Lounging at home with friends :)
- A short bio about yourself.
I'm 18 years old and a First-year at Smith College where i will probably major in chemisty. I'm from right outside of Boston, MA. I play the violin/fiddle, and play tennis for fun. I love to write poetry and a bit of fiction. Lastly, I am a total Star Wars nerd :)