Nyavene al'Meer
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Nyavene al'Meer | ||
Real Name | Tanya | |
Location | Pretoria, South Africa | |
Birthday | August 24 | |
TarValon.Net Information | ||
Affiliation | Yellow Ajah | |
Rank | Aes Sedai | |
Title | ||
Join Date | June 3, 2008 | |
Bonded to | ||
Link to Forum Profile |
[hide]Tower History
- Joined TarValon.Net: June 3, 2008
- Joined Tower: July 14, 2008
- Raised Accepted: March 8, 2009
- Aspired to the Yellow Ajah:
- Raised Aes Sedai: December 6, 2010
Tower Involvement
- Unofficial Yellow Ajah positions:
- Daffodil: August 2013 - present
- Department of Moderators
- Moderator:
- Education and Employment/ Home and Garden/ Health and Fitness /Sports Fanatics/ Entertainment Forum:
- January 22, 2017 - July 15, 2017
- January 12, 2016 - July 4, 2016
- Gaming/ Tech Talk/ Hand Crafts/ Fine Arts & Literary Pursuits Forum: July 5, 2016 - January 21, 2017
- Library Forums: October 17, 2010 - June 30, 2012
- Mundane World Forum: January 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009
- Education and Employment/ Home and Garden/ Health and Fitness /Sports Fanatics/ Entertainment Forum:
- Department of Marketing
- Graphics Development Team: September 22, 2012 - May 31, 2014
- Tar Valon Times Staff: July 1, 2012 - May 31, 2014
- Department of Membership
- Sitter for the Yellow Ajah:
- Heart of the Yellow Ajah: May 2011 − October 10, 2011
- Yellow Ajah Unofficial Positions
- Oolongese: November 2010 - November 15, 2017
- Gardener: January 2010 - November 15, 2017
- Cultivator: October 20, 2016 - April 30, 2017
- THE Tea Brewer: October 7, 2012 - 20 April, 2013
- Sunshine of the Yellow Ajah: August 2009 - May 2011
- Department of Research and Records
- Tower Historian: September 15, 2015 - November 12, 2018
- Library Editor
- Library Articles
- Department of Community Outreach
- Outreach Activities Team: May 22, 2011 - June 30, 2012
- Department of Community Development
- Online Events Team member:
- Spring 2011
- Fall 2010
- Spring 2010
- Fall 2009
- Spring 2009
- Other
- Merit Minion: December 12, 2011 - March 10, 2012
- Archiving Minion: April 20, 2011 - November 18, 2011
- Tar Valon Times Member Spotlight about Nyavene al'Meer (November 2015)
- Members' Choice Award: Outstanding Novice Spirit - 2009
Tower Relationships
- Current
- Previous
- Bonded to Bryce al'Mara, Gaidin of Dai M'Hael: March 11, 2011 - January 1, 2016
- Mentor
- Celinda al'Velis, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah
- Mentees
- Rina Aragon, Accepted
- Nirra Bar-Lev, former member
Other Tower Relationships
Official Event Attendance
Tower Sworn Interview
December 7, 2010
- When were you raised to Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah?
Yesterday!!! (Also known as the 6th of December 2010)
- Why did you choose Yellow?
I a passionate about fixing what is broken. I fit in as a yellow. Not only the happy mask I show the world, but me.
- Are you like the Yellows in the Books?
I love to heal and am stubborn, but in no way arrogant, very don to earth actually *rubs some dirt on her nose to prove it*
- Do you care for people and love to heal things?
Yes. I have this horrible habit of always putting the well-being of others before me, when I really shouldn't. And I'm aspiring to be a Pediatrician, so yes, I do care. A lot.
- How was your time as Citizen/Novice/Accepted?
I loved it.. I met a lot of amazing people as a Citizen, enjoyed being a prankster as a Novice and loved the journey of finding my home as an Accepted.
- What things do you do for TV.net?
I am currently... On the OE Team, the Moderator of the Books 1-8 forums, the Yellow Sunshine, Yellow Gardener, Yellow Oolongese and.. That's about it I think :P
- How did you get to read the Series?
My brother's friend made me read them :P
- Who is your favorite character of the Series? Favorite Nation?
My two favourites are Mat and Nynaeve, I think.
- Have you ever attended any Real Life Functions? Did you like them if you did, and why? (Why do you think people should come to any future functions?)
No :(
- What kind of music do you like?
Everything really, I am not awfully biased, except for Heavy Metal and Rap, which often set my teeth on edge.
- What are your favorite movies?
She's the Man. The Proposal, Miss Congeniality, The Guardian, Musicals generally, 10 things I hate about you... and tons more :P
- What is the craziest/stupidest thing you've ever done?
There are way too many to name, but one that comes to mind is when I was about 10 or so. I wanted to make a toasted sandwich, but was too lazy to wait in the kitchen and wanted to watch a show on TV besides. At that time we had this huge double bed mattress on the floor in front of our TV and so I put the Toaster on there and made myself a sandwich. As fate has it, the mattress started burning cause it was fabric and the toaster was hot metal... *sheepish grin*
- What job do you have?
I am going to do my first year of University next year!
- Do you have a pet?
My mom breeds Jack Russells and I have two horses: A Lipizzaner x Anglo-Arab mare and a Percheron x Lipizzaner gelding.
- What languages do you speak?
English, Afrikaans, German, Zulu, Ndebele and a sprinkling of Sepedi and Japanese.
- What profession did you want to have when you were a kid?
Well.. It went from Professional Lasagne maker to Dentist to Vet to Doctor
- Min or Aviendha?
Both are annoying? (At least in ToM).
- Sword or Spear?
Depends on the fighting situation I'm in, but as I'm fairly short and lithe, a spear would be more suitable.
- Candy or Cookies?
You can't make me decide! *pouts*
- Clothing or Make up?
Clothing! I rarely ever wear make-up and when I do, it looks horrid :P
- A short bio about yourself.
I have lived for a mere 17 years and am going to go to University next year. I am a very friendly, hyper and I guess fun person, who blushes easily and loves to make others laugh. I love animals (probably nurtured by the fact that I grew up on a farm. OH! The most important part... I am from... South Africa (Awesome, I know :P )