Towers of Midnight: Chapter 43

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Some Tea

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Points of View: Perrin, Alliandre


Galad decides Perrin is no Darkfriend and swears to follow him until the Last Battle.


Perrin's Point of View:

Setting A battlefield

Characters: Edarra, Galad, Jerum Nus, Perrin

Perrin and Galad talk as they walk through the battlefield, looking for survivors. Perrin tells him about saidin. Perrin hears a voice, and they find a survivor, Jerum, under a pile of Trollocs. He is Healed by Edarra and Perrin tells Galad he will take the Whitecloaks to the Last Battle, if Galad swears to obey him until then. If not, he will leave them for Rand. Galad agrees and sits, weakened by being caught in Perrin's ta'veren effect.

Alliandre's Point of View:

Setting: A Tent

Characters: Alliandre, Berelain, Faile, Galad

Alliandre watches Faile and Berelain, not fooled by their pretense at friendship. She knows she is in over her head, but is working to her strengths. Berelain tells her that she would have liked Perrin as a connection to Rand, but she will find another. She starts to tell Alliandre that a ruler has no room for love and must make a match that is best for her land, when Galad enters and she completely loses her train of thought.



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