Age of Legends Character List
Adan: One of the Da’shain Aiel. He lived during the Breaking of the World. He is one of Rand’s ancestors, and Rand sees parts of his history through Adan’s eyes during his trip through the glass columns in Rhuidean.
Ared Mosinel: The Forsaken Rahvin. He was trapped within the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. He was balefired by Rand in Caemlyn.
Barid Bel Medar: An author and politician. He later became the Forsaken Demandred. He was trapped within the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age, where he set up a power base in Shara as Bao the Wyld. He was killed in single combat by Lan
Beidomon: A male Aes Sedai. He was a researcher at the Collam Daan. He and Mierin were responsible for unwittingly drilling a hole in the Bore. He eventually committed suicide.
Ceran Tol: An artist.
Charn: One of the Da’shain Aiel. He is one of Rand’s ancestors. He served Mierin (Lanfear), for which he was killed by townspeople.
Cormalinde Masoon: A sculptor.
Coumin: One of the Da’shain Aiel. He is one of Rand’s ancestors. He eventually abandoned the Way of the Leaf
Deindre: An Aes Sedai who lived during the Breaking of the World. She had a Foretelling that led to the creation of the Eye of the World.
Duram Laddel Cham: A lawyer. He later became the Forsaken Be’lal. He was trapped within the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. He was balefired by Moiraine in the Stone of Tear.
Elan Morin Tedronai: A philosopher. He later became the Forsaken Ishamael. He was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed, but unlike the other Forsaken, he was not fully bound and therefore had some influence on the world. He was fully set free in the Third Age. He was killed by Rand in the Stone of Tear and was later reincarnated as Moridin, who is now the Nae’blis. He died at the Pit of Doom in the Last Battle
Esole: One of the Da’shain Aiel. She died on the march out of Paaran Disen.
Eval Ramman: A historian. He later became the Forsaken Balthamel. He was trapped within the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. He died at the Eye of the World and was later reincarnated as Aran’gar and killed by Rand's balefire at Natrin's Barrow.
Ilyena Therin Moerelle: The wife of Lews Therin Telamon. She was killed when her husband went mad from the taint on saidin.
Ishar Morrad Chuain: A biologist. He later became the Forsaken Aginor. He was trapped within the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. He died at the Eye of the World and was later reincarnated as Osan’gar until being killed as Shadar Logoth by Elza Penfell
Jaric Mondoran: A male Aes Sedai. When he went mad from the taint, he killed ten thousand Aiel at Tzora.
Joar Addam Nessosin: A composer. He later became the Forsaken Asmodean. He was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. He was captured by Rand and forced to teach Rand more about using saidin. He was killed by Graendal.
Jom: A man who lived during the Age of Legends.
Jonai: One of the Da’shain Aiel. He is one of Rand’s ancestors. He was given the task of leading the Da’shain Aiel out of Paaran Disen and protecting the saplings of the chora trees and various objects of the Power.
Jorlen Corbesan: A male Aes Sedai. He was in charge of research at the Sharom. He was killed by the backlash that occurred when the Bore was breached.
Kamarile Maradim Nindar: A Healer. She later became the Forsaken Graendal. She was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. She was given a new body and name, Hessalam as punishment for her failures and survived the Last Battle, though her mind was destroyed by her own Compulsion
Kodam: A male Aes Sedai. He helped create the Eye of the World.
Latra Posae Decume: An Aes Sedai. She opposed Lews Therin Telamon’s plan for sealing the Bore; because of this, no women participated in the sealing. She died at some point during the Breaking.
Lews Therin Telamon: The Dragon. He was the leader of the Aes Sedai. He led other male channelers in sealing the Bore, which resulted in the tainting of saidin. He went mad and killed his entire family. He has been reborn in the Third Age as Rand al’Thor.
Lillen Moiral: An advisor for investments. She later became the Forsaken Moghedien. She was trapped within the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. She survived the Last Battle only to be taken as a damane
Mierin Eronaile: A researcher at the Collam Daan. She was Lews Therin Telamon’s lover for a time. She later became the Forsaken Lanfear. She was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. She was forced through the twisted red doorway ter’angreal by Moiraine and later reincarnated as Cyndane. She was killed in Tel'aran'rhiod by Perrin Aybara
Mistress Addam: An Aes Sedai. She was the mother of Joar Addam Nessosin (Asmodean). Her son severed her and gave her to the Myrddraal.
Nalla: One of the Da’shain Aiel.
Namene Damendar Boann: A Healer. She later became the Forsaken Semirhage. She was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. She was balefired by Rand.
Oselle: An Aes Sedai who helped to create the Eye of the World.
Saine Tarasind: A lecturer. She later became the Forsaken Mesaana. She was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. She set up base in the White tower and had her mind crushed by Egwene al'Vere
Siedre: One of the Da’shain Aiel. She died during a raid on their caravans. She is one of Rand’s ancestors.
Solinda: An Aes Sedai who helped to create the Eye of the World.
Tel Janin Aellinsar: A sportsman. He later became the Forsaken Sammael. He was trapped in the Bore when it was sealed and later set free in the Third Age. He was killed by Rand in Shadar Logoth.
Tellindal Tirraso: A clerk during killed by Lews Therin Telamon.
Toma: A man who lived during the War of the Shadow.
Tomada: An Ogier who lived during the War of the Shadow.
Tohrs Margin: A man who underestimated Graendal and earned the name Tohrs the broken
Yanet: A woman murdered by Graendal
Zorelle: An Aes Sedai from M’Jinn.