Community News from Wayback
Interim page just to get the info down before I can move it to other pages.
Raffle Prize Winners Announced! Posted by: Eleyan Teyal Al'Landerin on 6/2/2004 12:31:00 PM (CST) Thanks to everyone who donated money towards the TarValon.Net fundraiser! We had a fantastic turn out, and while some of the prizes were a bit different that we initially counted on (thank the U.S. postal service for that one), we were able to offer a wide variety of fun prizes to our members! If you were not present and have won, please contact the Amyrlin at, and TarValon.Net will arrange the shipping of your prize. Congratulations all! The list is proof that you dont have to buy a lot of tickets to win.... but it certainly does help. ;-)
TarValon.Net Post Cards Daria Sedai TarValon.Net Journal Arisaema (Novice) Costume Purses by Ubahsur Sedai Arisaema (x2)(Novice) Customized Aes Sedai Shawl Kyla (Novice) Carved Table Featuring the Green Man Gerrok (Soldier) Dragon Pin Gerrok (Soldier) Copy of "New Spring" Gerrok (Soldier) Great Serpent Ring Aryawnah (Accepted) Signed Keegan Print Maryan Sedai