Community Page: Official Brown Description
The Browns at TarValon.Net are a wonderfully unique group of ladies. Many of the members are evil, like to corrupt minors on the side, or stay up partying all night constantly. There are many personalities all mixed together, but there is one common bond that holds everyone together: babies. The Browns adore babies, whether they are in stews, pies, or other tasty treats; the Browns have an unquenchable thirst for eating more babies. We pride ourselves on our thirst for baby flesh and alcoholic drinks and have started writing up little recipes for the ones we have the most interest in. (I make a mean Irish Baby Stew!) You can find the Brown Studies linked on our homepage.
As for up all night partying, just the other night one of our members was consuming large quantities of wine. That’s not even mentioning the ladies who were busy dancing on tables and luring unsuspecting folks to their doom. We’re constantly looking for new and interesting ways to flummox people with our Brown Outs. All the while studying folks like insects caught in a trap while we decide how best they can be used. Anyone who disagrees with us might fall victim to Brown Healing. This is where we beat you with large reference books. Trust me; it hurts us and the books more than it hurts you. We’re working on that little flaw. The Browns are a friendly and laid back bunch and you can always count on them to say something witty and funny.
If you’re too lazy to read all that, here’s a shorter description of the Brown Ajah:
The Brown Ajah is whatever pops into the heads of the Brown sisters at any given moment.
And if you were too lazy to read all of the above, perhaps I can interest you in some Brown Healing?
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