Fall Ball 2005

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Fall Ball 2005
Location Richmond, Virginia, USA
Date October 8-10, 2005
Local Liaison Ubahsur Kindellaer

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Fall Ball 2005 was held in Richmond, Virginia, October 8-10.


By: Rhed al'Tere in the Tar Valon Times

This year, Fall Ball was held in Richmond, Virginia, on October 8-10. Ubah Sedai was the local liaison.

Saturday night, after everyone had arrived, we gathered in a conference room with no air conditioning for our formalities. We had the traditional Goldschläger toast, which was recorded by Neol. Although Mother was not able to attend, she sent a toast that had half the room wiping tears from their eyes. Zashara and Allin were made first-sisters (though the consensus is that they didn't hit each other nearly as hard as they should have).

After this, everything gets fuzzy for me. No, I wasn't drinking. Not much, anyway. There were some fun afterparties on Saturday night (for details, see those involved; I'm not at liberty to disclose anything). Sunday afternoon saw people going to different places. I was fortunate enough to be with a group that when to CaryTown, an area of Richmond with lots of shops. The store I liked the best was the chocolate shop. When you walk into the shop, the smell of chocolate washes over you like a wave and you have to grab hold of something so you don't drown.

Sunday evening, we all headed to Williamsburg, a town preserved and recreated from the days of the colonists. We had plenty of time to socialize as Ubah told us to be there 30 minutes earlier than we had to be and since the restaurant took its time letting us in. We had a wonderful dinner, were entertained by live music, and socialized afterwards (funny how socializing always occurs at a Tower party). We all headed back to the hotel for some more lovely afterparties.

Monday morning (closer to afternoon, really) we went to a restaurant for lunch (sadly, not IHOP, though just as good). We all said our goodbyes then headed for the airport or various destinations.

In short, a good time was had by all. Those of you who were unable to make it, be jealous. Those of you who were able to make it, go to www.tarvalon.net/parties.asp and submit your own review of the party.

By: Vivianna L'antreau in the Tower Parties Forum on the Old Boards

Fall Ball Richmond was the first Tower event I'd been to that I could actually drive to! Originally I was going to have to make the drive (from DC) all alone, but in grand Mathei fashion, his flights had issues and he ended up arriving early Friday morning rather than Thursday, so I had company after all *grins*

We made it to the hotel about oh 4 or 5pm I believe (it's been a year so I'm trying to remember) and settled into our rooms greeting everyone and enjoying the company. Later that evening, we had opening ceremonies which was a bit different because the Amyrlin was unable to attend but still fun! We had our toast, I don't remember if there were any raisings, but there was a first sister ceremony for Zashara and Allin! After the ceremonies (in a room with no air conditioning!) we split off for dinner and fun, some people had mini-parties in their rooms, and eventually people slept.

Saturday began with people mingling in various rooms, then an expedition to a lovely chocolate shop that I can't remember the name of. Later that afternoon it was back to the hotel to change, then off to Williamsburg for dinner. My group got there just as things were pretty much shutting down for the day, but it was still neat to walk along streets that looked as though it was still the 1700's. Our dinner was in a private room at the Kings Arm Tavern I believe, where we ate by candlelight, were served traditional fare that would have been found in 18th century Virginia, and had a great time chatting with each other and having a wonderful time.

After dinner, we all headed back to the hotel to change into more comfortable clothing, and to continue the room party fun! We had a game of munchkin going on in one room, another was watching a football game, a third had music and special refreshments, and well you get the idea :P Eventually I got tired and decided it was time for bed.

Sunday we all got checked out of the hotel, then caravanned over to a breakfast type place since there wasn't an IHOP nearby and slowly said goodbye to people as plane times came about. I took someone to the airport but can't remember who it was right now...I feel rather silly about that actually! But I got them to the hotel, then drove back to DC all on my lonesome.

It was a fun weekend done in a slightly different style than the Fall Balls I had gone to in the past, but great to see everyone and spend time with them!




Main article: Fall Ball 2005 Attendance List

25 people attended Fall Ball in Richmond.


Main article: Fall Ball 2005 Picture Gallery