Keeper of the Chronicles Investiture Ceremony
Author: Eleyan Al'Landerin
People involved
Amyrlin Seat
Candidate for Keeper
3 people to pledge for the candidate
All present Tower Sworn
[Candidate] enters with three escorts (one in front, and one either side). They enter with all sisters in attendance in wearing their colors and their shawl.
Amyrlin Seat: Who comes before this delegation of the Tower?
Sister in front moves aside to reveal candidate.
Candidate: One who comes obediently in the Light.
Amyrlin Seat: Who comes before this delegation of the Tower?
Candidate: One who comes humbly in the Light.
Amyrlin Seat: Who comes before this delegation of the Tower?
Candidate: One who comes at the summons of the Tower, obedient and humble in the Light, asking only to accept the will of the Tower.
Amyrlin Seat: Who stands for this woman, and pledges for her, heart for heart, soul for soul, and life for life?
Person 1: I so pledge.
Person 2: I so pledge.
Person 3: I so pledge.
Amyrlin Seat: Come forward, Daughter.
Candidate walks forward three paces and kneels.
Amyrlin Seat: Why are you here, Daughter?
Candidate: I was summoned by the Tower.
Amyrlin Seat: What do you seek, Daughter?
Candidate: To serve the Tower, nothing more and nothing less.
Amyrlin Seat: How would you serve, Daughter?
Candidate: With my heart, my soul and my life, in the Light. Without fear or favor, in the Light.
Amyrlin Seat: Where would you serve. Daughter?
Candidate: As Keeper of the Chronicles, if it pleases the Tower.
Amyrlin Seat: You may ask the Tower if you may serve.
[Candidate] goes around to each person, saying their full title (i.e. Eleyan Sedai), and asking "(person's name) Sedai/Gaidin, please allow me to serve the (insert Company or Ajah in question here)." They answer "You may serve (insert Company or Ajah in question here)," and they embrace her briefly.
Amyrlin Seat: You are raised to the Keeper of the Chronicles, in the glory of the Light, that the White Tower may endure forever. [Candidate], Keeper of the Chronicles to [Amyrlin], the Amyrlin Seat. May the Light illumine the you and the White Tower.