List of Mountains
Banikhan Mountains: A range of mountains located on the western coast of Saldaea. It is also known as the Sea Wall.
Blinder's Peak: A mountain located in Murandy.
Chisen Mountains: A range of mountains located in Andor.
Cliffs of Dawn: A range of mountains that runs between the Aiel Waste and Shara.
Damona Mountains: A range of mountains located in Altara. It contains The Malvinde Narrows, a pass that can be taken between Ebou Dar and Lugard.
Dragonmount: A mountain located near Tar Valon. It was created when Lews Therin Telamon killed himself. It is the birthplace of Rand al’Thor, the Dragon Reborn.
Favlend Mountain: A mountain located in Murandy.
Maraside Mountains: A mountain range located in southern Cairhien. It contains the Jolvaine Pass.
Mountains of Dhoom: A range of mountains that separates the Borderlands from the Blight.
Mountains of Mist: A range of mountains located near the Two Rivers. It runs from Arad Doman to Tarabon.
Mount Sardlen: A mountain located in Murandy.
Nemarellin Mountains: A range of mountains on the western border of Illian.
Shadow Coast: A range of mountains on the southwestern edge of the Westlands.
Spine of the World: A range of mountains that separates the Westlands from the Aiel Waste. There are four passes through it: Tarwin’s Gap, the Niamh Passes, the Jangai Pass, and one in Haddon Mirk. It is also known as the Dragonwall.
Twinhorn's Peak: A mountain within the Mountains of Mist.
Venir Mountains: A range of mountains located along the southern border of Altara.
World's End: A range of mountains located along the western border of Saldaea.
Aldael Mountains: A mountain range in Seanchan.
Ijaz Mountains: A mountain range in Seanchan.